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SubjectRe: [BUG] NTFS code doesn't sanitize folder names sufficiently
Marian Beermann wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> today I noticed some very odd behaviour, which could lead people to
> believe a loss of data, because it is possible to create directories
> with backslashes in them.
> I am currently running kernel 3.5.
> To completly reproduce the problem to the full extend you'll need a
> Windows computer, but to see whats wrong Linux completly suffices :-)
> On a Linux computer
> 1. Create a directory named TestA on an NTFS partition
> 2. Create a subdirectory of TestA named TestB
> 3. Create a third directory alongside TestA named TestA\TestB (the
> fundamental problem is this: backslashes in directory names)
> Connect the drive containing the NTFS partition now to a Windows
> computer and navigate to the directory containing TestA and
> TestA\TestB. If you navigate to the folder (not path!) TestA\TestB
> you'll actually see the contents of the path TestA\TestB (the
> subfolder TestB) and not the contents of the directory.
> It is not possible on a Windows machine to access the contents of the
> directory named TestA\TestB. This is not a bug in Windows, it's caused
> by a bug in the NTFS driver, which allows illegal characters.
> The solution to this would be to disallow creation of files and
> folders on NTFS drives containing illegal characters.
> Best regards
> Marian Beermann

Yeah that's a tough one. I wouldn't exactly call it a bug. There's
probably lots of stuff like this you could do that the command line
would allow you to perform but not be a correct and intended function. I
would put this down to user error rather than a bug. Anyone with
knowledge of operating systems and file system structuring should know
that / or \ are illegal characters for creating a directories. Whether
it be on Windows or Linux.


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