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    Subject[patch] Add design document for UBIFS secure deletion
    Design document should be self explanatory.

    Signed-off-by: Joel Reardon <>

    Documentation/filesystems/ubifsec.txt | 358 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    1 files changed, 358 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
    create mode 100644 Documentation/filesystems/ubifsec.txt

    diff --git a/Documentation/filesystems/ubifsec.txt b/Documentation/filesystems/ubifsec.txt
    new file mode 100644
    index 0000000..4eb41fb
    --- /dev/null
    +++ b/Documentation/filesystems/ubifsec.txt
    @@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
    +UBIFS Secure Deletion Enhancement
    +Written by Joel Reardon <>
    +Last revised: 19.3.2012
    +UBIFSec provides efficient secure deletion for the flash file system UBIFS.
    +Trivial secure deletion by overwriting the deleted data does not work for
    +flash memory, as there is a large difference between the size of the I/O unit
    +(page) and the erasure unit (erase block). UBIFSec encrypts each data node
    +with a distinct key and stores the keys colocated in a key storage area (KSA).
    +Secure deletion is achieved by atomically updating the (small) set of erase
    +blocks that constitute the KSA to remove keys corresponding to deleted data,
    +thereby deleting the data nodes they encrypted.
    +Key Storage Area (KSA)
    +UBIFSec uses a small migrating set of erase blocks to store all the data
    +node's keys---this set is called the Key Storage Area (KSA). The KSA is
    +managed separately from the rest of the file system. In particular, it does
    +not behave like a log-structured file system: when a KSA erase block is
    +updated, its contents are written to a new erase block, the logical reference
    +to the KSA block is updated, and the previous version of the KSA erase block
    +is then erased. Thus, except while updating, only one copy of the data in the
    +KSA is available on the storage medium. When the file system is created,
    +cryptographically-suitable random data is written from random_bytes() to each
    +of the KSA's LEBs and all the keys are marked as unused. Purging writes new
    +versions of the KSA LEBs using UBI's atomic update feature.
    +Each data node's header stores the logical KSA position that contains its
    +decryption key. The erase blocks in the KSA are periodically erased to
    +securely delete any keys that decrypt deleted data. When the file system no
    +longer needs a data node---i.e, it is removed or updated---we mark the data
    +node's corresponding key in the KSA as deleted. This is independent of the
    +notion of files; keys are marked as deleted whenever a data node is discarded.
    +A key remains marked as deleted until it is removed from the storage medium
    +and its location is replaced with fresh, unused random data, which is then
    +marked as unused.
    +When a new data node is written to the storage medium, an unused key is
    +selected from the KSA and its position is written to the data node's header.
    +The keys are in a protected area of the file system, so only users with root
    +access to the storage medium are capable of reading the keys that encrypt
    +Purging is a periodic procedure that securely deletes keys from the KSA.
    +Purging proceeds iteratively over each of the KSA's erase blocks: a new
    +version of the erase block is prepared where the used keys remain in the same
    +position and all other keys (i.e., unused and deleted keys) are replaced with
    +fresh, unused, cryptographically-appropriate random data from a source of
    +hardware randomness. This fresh random data is then assigned to new keys as
    +needed. We keep used keys logically-fixed because their corresponding data
    +node has already written its logical position. The new version of the block is
    +then written to an arbitrary empty erase block on the storage medium. After
    +completion, the erase block containing the old version is erased, thus
    +securely deleting the unused and deleted keys along with the data nodes they
    +If a KSA erase block becomes a bad block while erasing it, it is possible that
    +its contents will remain readable on the storage medium without the ability to
    +remove them. In this case, it is necessary to re-encrypt any data node whose
    +encryption key remains available and force the garbage collection of those
    +erase blocks on which the data nodes reside.
    +Key State Map
    +The key state map is an in-memory map that maps key positions to key states
    +{unused, used, deleted}. Unused keys can be assigned and then marked used.
    +Used keys are keys that encrypt some valid data node, so they must be
    +preserved to ensure availability of the file system's data. Deleted keys are
    +keys used to encrypt deleted data---i.e., data nodes that are no longer
    +referenced by the index---and should be purged from the system to achieve
    +secure deletion.
    +A correct key state map is one that has the following three properties:
    +1. every unused key must not decrypt any data node---either valid or invalid
    +2. every used key must have exactly one data node it can decrypt and this data
    +node must be valid according to the index
    +3. every deleted key must not decrypt any data node that is valid according to
    +the index.
    +The operation of purging performed on a correct key state map guarantees
    +DNEFS's soundness: purging securely deletes any key in the KSA marked as
    +deleted---afterwards, every key either decrypts one valid data node or nothing
    +at all and every valid data node can be decrypted. A correct key state map
    +also guarantees the integrity of our data during purging, because no key that
    +is used to decrypt valid data will be removed.
    +The key state map is stored, used, and updated in volatile memory. Initially,
    +the key state map of a freshly-formatted UBIFSec file system is correct as it
    +consists of no data nodes, and every key is fresh random data that is marked
    +as unused. While mounted, UBIFSec performs appropriate key management to
    +ensure that the key state map is always correct when new data is written,
    +deleted, etc. We now show that we can always create a correct key state map
    +when mounting an arbitrary UBIFSec file system.
    +The key state map is built from a periodic checkpoint combined with a replay
    +of the most recent changes while mounting. We checkpoint the current key
    +state map to the storage medium whenever the KSA is purged. After a purge,
    +every key is either unused or used, and so a checkpoint of this map can be
    +stored using one bit per key---less than 1\% of the KSA's size---which is then
    +compressed. A special LEB is used to store checkpoints, where each new
    +checkpoint is appended; when the erase block is full then the next checkpoint
    +is written at the beginning using an atomic update.
    +Correctness of the Key State Map
    +As an invariant, we require that UBIFSec's key state map is always correct
    +before and after executing a purge. This restriction---instead of requiring
    +correctness at all times after mounting---is to allow writing new data during
    +a purging operation, and to account for the time between marking a key as used
    +and writing the data it encrypts onto the storage medium.
    +The checkpoint is correct when it is written to the storage medium, and
    +therefore it is correct when it is loaded during mounting if no other changes
    +occurred to the file system. If the file system changed after committing and
    +before unmounting, then UBIFS's replay mechanism is used to generate the
    +correct key state map: first the checkpoint is loaded, then the replay entries
    +are simulated. Therefore, we always perform purging during regular UBIFS
    +commits; the nodes that are replayed for UBIFS are exactly the ones that must
    +be replayed for UBIFSec. If the stored checkpoint gets corrupted, then a full
    +scan of the valid data nodes can rebuild the correct key state map.
    +As it is possible for the storage medium to fail during the commit operation
    +(e.g., due to a loss of power), we now show that our invariant holds
    +regardless of the condition of unmounting. Purging consists of atomically
    +updating each LEB containing deleted keys and afterwards writing a new
    +checkpoint. UBI's atomic update feature ensures that any failure before
    +completing the update is equivalent to failing immediately before beginning.
    +Therefore, the following is the complete list of possible failure points:
    +1. before the first purge.
    +2. between some purges.
    +3. after all the purges but before the checkpoint.
    +4. during the checkpoint.
    +5. after the checkpoint but before finishing other UBIFS commit actions.
    +We now show that we can construct a correct key state map in all these
    +First, failure can occur before purging the first LEB, which means the KSA is
    +unchanged. When remounting the device, the loaded checkpoint is updated with
    +the replay data, thereby constructing the exact key state map before
    +purging---taken as correct by assumption.
    +Second, failure can occur after purging one, several, or indeed all of the
    +KSA's LEBs. When remounting the device, the loaded checkpoint merged with the
    +replay data reflects the state before the first purge, so some purged LEBs
    +contain new unused data while the key state map claims it is a deleted key. As
    +these are cryptographically-suitable random values, with high probability they
    +cannot successfully decrypt any existing valid data node.
    +Third, failure can occur while writing to the checkpoint LEB. When the
    +checkpoint is written using atomic updates, then failing during the operation
    +is equivalent to failing before it begins (cf. 2nd case). Incomplete
    +checkpoints are detected and so the previous valid checkpoint is loaded
    +instead. After replaying all the nodes, the key state map is equal to its
    +state immediately before purging the KSA. This means that all entries marked
    +as deleted are actually unused entries, so the invariant holds.
    +Finally, failure can occur after successfully purging the KSA and
    +checkpointing the key state map, but before completing the regular UBIFS
    +commit. In this case, the current key state map correctly reflects the
    +contents of the KSA. When mounting, the replay mechanism incorrectly updates
    +it with the journal entries of the previous iteration. Table 1 shows the full
    +space of possibilities when replaying old changes on the post-purged
    +checkpoint. It shows that it is only possible for an unused key to be
    +erroneously marked as deleted, which still results in a correct key state map.
    +|old ckpt| replay's | ckpt | value | cause | key's |
    +| value | effect | value | after | | state |
    +| | | | recvry | | |
    +| unused | nothing | unused | unused | no event | correct |
    +| unused | mark used | used | used | key assigned | correct |
    +| unused | mark deleted | unused | deleted | key assigned, deleted | correct |
    +| used | nothing | used | used | no event | correct |
    +| used | mark used | used | used | cannot occur | correct |
    +| used | mark deleted | unused | deleted | key deleted | correct |
    +Table 1: Consequences of replaying false information during committing.
    +Adding Encryption in Compression
    +Currently, compression (respectively decompression) is applied to all data
    +before (respectively after) storage medium operations. We modify the compress
    +and decompress functions to take an optional key parameter. If no key is
    +provided, then the functions behave normally. If a key is provided, then the
    +data is encrypted before compression (respectively decrypted after
    +compression) using the provided key as an AES key in counter mode.
    +Implementing the Keymap
    +The keymap data structure and its algorithms constitute the majority of
    +UBIFSec's changes. The keymap maintains KSA information and caches, along
    +with the key state map, the current position for assigning fresh keys, and a
    +buffer for atomic updates and checkpoint preparation.
    +The KSA is divided into discrete KSA ranges, which are ranked in terms of
    +expected data lifetime. Generational garbage collection is heuristically used
    +to promote longer-lived data to long-term ranges of the KSA. The goal is to
    +reduce the number of LEBs that need to be erased during purging by having data
    +that remains on the device reside elsewhere, which reduces the time required
    +to purge large storage media. KSA LEBs that are skipped during a purge have
    +their unused keys marked as nonassignable until the LEB is finally replaced
    +with fresh, random data.
    +Each time UBIFS garbage collects a data node, it may be promoted to a
    +longer-term area of the KSA. This requires decrypting the stored data,
    +encrypting with a new key, and updating the data node's key location and
    +checksum. However, it does not incur additional cost to read or write the
    +data, as it is only optionally performed during regular UBIFS garbage
    +collection when the data node is copied to a new location.
    +The key state map is a two-dimensional array indexed first by the relative LEB
    +number and then by the offset in the LEB. Key positions, stored in
    +_crypto_lookup_ variables, are stored as 64-bit numbers where the first 32
    +bits encode the relative LEB number and the next 32 bits encode the offset. A
    +key position's state can be changed to used or deleted by external functions,
    +but only the keymap's purging function marks the state as unused. A lock
    +synchronizes all access to the key state map. The function to get a free key
    +position atomically searches for an unused key position, marks the entry as
    +used, and optionally returns the key.
    +The keymap structure maintains an LEB-sized buffer for atomic updates.
    +Purging the keymap proceeds iteratively for each of the KSA's LEBs. It reads
    +the old version of a block into that buffer, performs the update, and provides
    +it to UBI's atomic update function. Random data is taken from Linux kernel's
    +hardware randomness source that is cryptographically suitable. Purging is
    +synchronized by a lock to prevent a second purge before the first has
    +The keymap structure also maintains a buffer for checkpoint preparation. After
    +committing, the checkpoint is created using one bit for each entry indicating
    +if the key position is unused or used. The checkpoint is then compressed,
    +prefixed with the compressed size, and suffixed with the magic number.
    +The external interface of the keymap consists of the following:
    +keymap_purge() - purge the deleted keys, write a new checkpoint
    +keymap_init() - initialization
    +keymap_free() - deallocate memory
    +keymap_free_key() - find and return an unused key
    +keymap_read_key() - convert a key location to a key
    +keymap_mark_used() - mark a key location as used
    +keymap_mark_deleted() - mark a key location as deleted
    +keymap_assign_lebs() - used during initialization to tell the keymap which
    + LEBS are used for keys
    +keymap_keys_per_eb() - returns the number of keys that fit on an erase block
    +keymap_gc_should_promote() - returns true if we should reencrypt the data node
    + during garbage collection
    +keymap_swap_encryption_key() - performs the re-encryption of a data node during
    + garbage collection
    +Summary of Changes to UBIFS Components
    +mounting the file system:
    +- allocate and initialize the keymap
    +- deallocate keymap if an error occurs
    +- read the size of the KSA from the master node
    +unmounting the file system:
    +- deallocate the keymap
    +creating default file system:
    +- use storage medium's geometry to compute the required KSA size
    +- store the size in the master node
    +- call keymap's initialize KSA routine
    +committing the journal:
    +- call the keymap's purging routine
    +writing data:
    +- obtain an unused key position from the keymap
    +- store the key's position in the data node's header
    +- use the keymap and key position to look up the actual key
    +- provide the key to the compress function
    +recomputing last data node after truncation:
    +- obtain the original key, decrypt the data
    +- obtain a new key, encrypt the data with it after truncating
    +reading data:
    +- use the keymap and data node's key position to look up the actual key
    +- provide the key to the decompress function
    +Tree Node Cache.
    +adding/updating the TNC:
    +- provide a key position when adding data nodes
    +- store the key position inside TNC entries
    +- mark key position as used
    +- if also updating, mark the old key position as deleted before storing the
    + new position.
    +deleting/truncating the TNC:
    +- when removing a data node from the TNC, mark the stored key position as
    + deleted
    +committing the TNC:
    +- read and write key position to stored tree nodes
    +Garbage Collection.
    +copying a data node to a new location:
    +- decide whether to promote data nodes
    +- re-encrypt promoted data node
    +- mark old key is deleted, new key as used
    +Future Extensions
    +Encrypting metadata.
    +UBIFSec securely deletes file content, but not a file's name and other
    +metadata. Some encrypted file systems, such as ecryptfs, encrypt this
    +metadata along with the file data. Our implementation leverages the
    +compression functionality of UBIFS to seamlessly add cryptographic operations.
    +However, there is no technical reason that prohibits assigning an encryption
    +key to non-data nodes (such as the index) and storing them encrypted on the
    +storage medium.
    +Purging Policies.
    +Purging is currently performed after a user-controlled period of time and
    +before unmounting the device. More elaborate policies could exist, where
    +purging occurs once a threshold of deleted keys is passed, ensuring that the
    +amount of exposable data is limited, so the deletion of many files would thus
    +act as a trigger for purging. An ioctl can be offered to allow user-level
    +applications to trigger a purge, such as an email application that purges the
    +file system after clearing the cache. We can alternatively use a new extended
    +attribute to act a trigger: whenever any data node belonging to a sensitive
    +file is deleted, then UBIFSec triggers an immediate purge. This allows users
    +to have confidence that most files are periodically deleted, while sensitive
    +files are promptly deleted.
    +Password-protected Encrypted File System.
    +UBIFSec can be trivially extended to offer a passphrase-protected encrypted
    +file system: we simply encrypt the KSA whenever we write random data, and
    +derive the decryption key from a provided passphrase when mounting. Since,
    +with high probability, each randomly-generated key in the KSA is unique, we
    +can use a block cipher in electronic codebook mode to allow rapid decryption
    +of randomly accessed offsets without storing additional initialization
    +vectors. Such a scheme provides all the benefits of UBIFSec along with the
    +additional guarantee that a non-coercive attacker (i.e., theft or repurposing)
    +is unable to access any data stored on the device---provided the master secret
    +does not reside in volatile memory at the time of the attack.

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