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    SubjectRe: [PATCH 1/7] HID: N-trig MTM Driver fix and cleanup patch 1
    Just a comment before I respond to your patches.

    Clearly my knowledge of the workings of your devices is limited. I have
    no special access to your documentation or developers and no idea where
    the company plans to go in the future.

    With that said, what I have seen is a set of devices which mostly follow
    standard behavior and thus are simple to support with existing drivers.
    The kernel driver as of 2.6.33 names the device and does a tiny bit of
    clean up for pen and single touch, but mostly leaves the handling of
    those to the hid core.

    Even the multi-touch support only needs slight tweaking to account for
    the "fake fingers" sent out by the hardware and some other minor points.

    While I appreciate that you've put a lot of effort into writing and
    testing an in house tool stack, that doesn't justify breaking
    compatibility unnecessarily. I too have spent considerable effort for
    more than a year (with months of non-functioning hardware before that),
    and have quite a lot of established testing time. I do not feel that my
    work and the communal effort to test and fix justifies inhibiting your
    work, but it should justify some consideration.

    Furthermore I tried to contact your company repeatedly before I began my
    work, and several times since. That you have put so much effort in
    development and testing in isolation was your choice not mine.

    So, if there is information that you can put to good use but leads to
    compatibility issues with existing tools (like the evdev driver), lets
    discuss those.

    If you are ready to release the user space source, I will happily lend a
    hand synchronizing the kernel and user space.


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      Last update: 2010-03-09 01:37    [W:4.245 / U:0.328 seconds]
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