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SubjectRe: BFS vs. mainline scheduler benchmarks and measurements

* Nikos Chantziaras <> wrote:

> On 09/09/2009 09:04 PM, Ingo Molnar wrote:
>> [...]
>> * Jens Axboe<> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Sep 09 2009, Jens Axboe wrote:
>>> [...]
>>> BFS210 runs on the laptop (dual core intel core duo). With make -j4
>>> running, I clock the following latt -c8 'sleep 10' latencies:
>>> -rc9
>>> Max 17895 usec
>>> Avg 8028 usec
>>> Stdev 5948 usec
>>> Stdev mean 405 usec
>>> Max 17896 usec
>>> Avg 4951 usec
>>> Stdev 6278 usec
>>> Stdev mean 427 usec
>>> Max 17885 usec
>>> Avg 5526 usec
>>> Stdev 6819 usec
>>> Stdev mean 464 usec
>>> -rc9 + mike
>>> Max 6061 usec
>>> Avg 3797 usec
>>> Stdev 1726 usec
>>> Stdev mean 117 usec
>>> Max 5122 usec
>>> Avg 3958 usec
>>> Stdev 1697 usec
>>> Stdev mean 115 usec
>>> Max 6691 usec
>>> Avg 2130 usec
>>> Stdev 2165 usec
>>> Stdev mean 147 usec
>> At least in my tests these latencies were mainly due to a bug in
>> latt.c - i've attached the fixed version.
>> The other reason was wakeup batching. If you do this:
>> echo 0> /proc/sys/kernel/sched_wakeup_granularity_ns
>> ... then you can switch on insta-wakeups on -tip too.
>> With a dual-core box and a make -j4 background job running, on
>> latest -tip i get the following latencies:
>> $ ./latt -c8 sleep 30
>> Entries: 656 (clients=8)
>> Averages:
>> ------------------------------
>> Max 158 usec
>> Avg 12 usec
>> Stdev 10 usec
> With your version of latt.c, I get these results with 2.6-tip vs
> 2.6.31-rc9-bfs:
> (mainline)
> Averages:
> ------------------------------
> Max 50 usec
> Avg 12 usec
> Stdev 3 usec
> (BFS)
> Averages:
> ------------------------------
> Max 474 usec
> Avg 11 usec
> Stdev 16 usec
> However, the interactivity problems still remain. Does that mean
> it's not a latency issue?

It means that Jens's test-app, which demonstrated and helped us fix
the issue for him does not help us fix it for you just yet.

The "fluidity problem" you described might not be a classic latency
issue per se (which latt.c measures), but a timeslicing / CPU time
distribution problem.

A slight shift in CPU time allocation can change the flow of tasks
to result in a 'choppier' system.

Have you tried, in addition of the granularity tweaks you've done,
to renice mplayer either up or down? (or compiz and Xorg for that

I'm not necessarily suggesting this as a 'real' solution (we really
prefer kernels that just get it right) - but it's an additional
parameter dimension along which you can tweak CPU time distribution
on your box.

Here's the general rule of thumb: mine one nice level gives plus 5%
CPU time to a task and takes away 5% CPU time from another task -
i.e. shifts the CPU allocation by 10%.

( this is modified by all sorts of dynamic conditions: by the number
of tasks running and their wakeup patters so not a rule cast into
stone - but still a good ballpark figure for CPU intense tasks. )

Btw., i've read your descriptions about what you've tuned so far -
have you seen/checked the wakeup_granularity tunable as well?
Setting that to 0 will change the general balance of how CPU time is
allocated between tasks too.

There's also a whole bunch of scheduler features you can turn on/off
individually via /debug/sched_features. For example, to turn off
NEW_FAIR_SLEEPERS, you can do:

# cat /debug/sched_features

# echo NO_NEW_FAIR_SLEEPERS > /debug/sched_features

Btw., NO_NEW_FAIR_SLEEPERS is something that will turn the scheduler
into a more classic fair scheduler (like BFS is too).

NO_START_DEBIT might be another thing that improves (or worsens :-/)
make -j type of kernel build workloads.

Note, these flags are all runtime, the new settings take effect
almost immediately (and at the latest it takes effect when a task
has started up) and safe to do runtime.

It basically gives us 32768 pluggable schedulers each with a
slightly separate algorithm - each setting in essence creates a new
scheduler. (this mechanism is how we introduce new scheduler
features and allow their debugging / regression-testing.)

(okay, almost, so beware: turning on HRTICK might lock up your

Plus, yet another dimension of tuning on SMP systems (such as
dual-core) are the sched-domains tunable. There's a whole world of
tuning in that area and BFS essentially implements a very agressive
'always balance to other CPUs' policy.

I've attached my sched-tune-domains script which helps tune these

For example on a testbox of mine it outputs:

usage: tune-sched-domains <val>
{cpu0/domain0:SIBLING} SD flag: 239
+ 1: SD_LOAD_BALANCE: Do load balancing on this domain
+ 2: SD_BALANCE_NEWIDLE: Balance when about to become idle
+ 4: SD_BALANCE_EXEC: Balance on exec
+ 8: SD_BALANCE_FORK: Balance on fork, clone
- 16: SD_WAKE_IDLE: Wake to idle CPU on task wakeup
+ 32: SD_WAKE_AFFINE: Wake task to waking CPU
+ 64: SD_WAKE_BALANCE: Perform balancing at task wakeup
+ 128: SD_SHARE_CPUPOWER: Domain members share cpu power
- 256: SD_POWERSAVINGS_BALANCE: Balance for power savings
- 512: SD_SHARE_PKG_RESOURCES: Domain members share cpu pkg resources
-1024: SD_SERIALIZE: Only a single load balancing instance
-2048: SD_WAKE_IDLE_FAR: Gain latency sacrificing cache hit
-4096: SD_PREFER_SIBLING: Prefer to place tasks in a sibling domain
{cpu0/domain1:MC} SD flag: 4735
+ 1: SD_LOAD_BALANCE: Do load balancing on this domain
+ 2: SD_BALANCE_NEWIDLE: Balance when about to become idle
+ 4: SD_BALANCE_EXEC: Balance on exec
+ 8: SD_BALANCE_FORK: Balance on fork, clone
+ 16: SD_WAKE_IDLE: Wake to idle CPU on task wakeup
+ 32: SD_WAKE_AFFINE: Wake task to waking CPU
+ 64: SD_WAKE_BALANCE: Perform balancing at task wakeup
- 128: SD_SHARE_CPUPOWER: Domain members share cpu power
- 256: SD_POWERSAVINGS_BALANCE: Balance for power savings
+ 512: SD_SHARE_PKG_RESOURCES: Domain members share cpu pkg resources
-1024: SD_SERIALIZE: Only a single load balancing instance
-2048: SD_WAKE_IDLE_FAR: Gain latency sacrificing cache hit
+4096: SD_PREFER_SIBLING: Prefer to place tasks in a sibling domain
{cpu0/domain2:NODE} SD flag: 3183
+ 1: SD_LOAD_BALANCE: Do load balancing on this domain
+ 2: SD_BALANCE_NEWIDLE: Balance when about to become idle
+ 4: SD_BALANCE_EXEC: Balance on exec
+ 8: SD_BALANCE_FORK: Balance on fork, clone
- 16: SD_WAKE_IDLE: Wake to idle CPU on task wakeup
+ 32: SD_WAKE_AFFINE: Wake task to waking CPU
+ 64: SD_WAKE_BALANCE: Perform balancing at task wakeup
- 128: SD_SHARE_CPUPOWER: Domain members share cpu power
- 256: SD_POWERSAVINGS_BALANCE: Balance for power savings
- 512: SD_SHARE_PKG_RESOURCES: Domain members share cpu pkg resources
+1024: SD_SERIALIZE: Only a single load balancing instance
+2048: SD_WAKE_IDLE_FAR: Gain latency sacrificing cache hit
-4096: SD_PREFER_SIBLING: Prefer to place tasks in a sibling domain

The way i can turn on say SD_WAKE_IDLE for the NODE domain is to:

tune-sched-domains 239 4735 $((3183+16))

( This is a pretty stone-age script i admit ;-)

Thanks for all your testing so far,



flags[1]="SD_LOAD_BALANCE: Do load balancing on this domain"
flags[2]="SD_BALANCE_NEWIDLE: Balance when about to become idle"
flags[4]="SD_BALANCE_EXEC: Balance on exec"
flags[8]="SD_BALANCE_FORK: Balance on fork, clone"
flags[16]="SD_WAKE_IDLE: Wake to idle CPU on task wakeup"
flags[32]="SD_WAKE_AFFINE: Wake task to waking CPU"
flags[64]="SD_WAKE_BALANCE: Perform balancing at task wakeup"
flags[128]="SD_SHARE_CPUPOWER: Domain members share cpu power"
flags[256]="SD_POWERSAVINGS_BALANCE: Balance for power savings"
flags[512]="SD_SHARE_PKG_RESOURCES: Domain members share cpu pkg resources"
flags[1024]="SD_SERIALIZE: Only a single load balancing instance"
flags[2048]="SD_WAKE_IDLE_FAR: Gain latency sacrificing cache hit"
flags[4096]="SD_PREFER_SIBLING: Prefer to place tasks in a sibling domain"


[ -d $DIR/$CPU/$DOM ] || { exit 0; }

NAME=$(cat $DIR/$CPU/$DOM/name)

[ $DEC = "-1" ] && DEC=$(cat $DIR/$CPU/$DOM/flags)

echo "{$CPU/$DOM:$NAME} SD flag: $DEC"

for ((mask=1;mask<=4096;mask*=2)); do
if [ "$[$mask & $DEC]" != "0" ]; then
printf "+%4d: %s\n" $mask "${flags[$mask]}"
if [ $mask -le 4096 ]; then
printf "%c%4d: %s\n" "-" $mask "${flags[$mask]}"

[ $# -lt "1" ] && {
echo 'usage: tune-sched-domains <val>'

print_flags -1 cpu0 domain0
print_flags -1 cpu0 domain1
print_flags -1 cpu0 domain2
print_flags -1 cpu0 domain3

exit -1;


cd $DIR

for CPU in *; do
cd $CPU
for DOM in *; do


VAL=`cat $FLAGS`
case $FLAGS in
"domain0/flags") NEW_VAL=$DOM0 ;;
"domain1/flags") NEW_VAL=$DOM1 ;;
"domain2/flags") NEW_VAL=$DOM2 ;;
"domain3/flags") NEW_VAL=$DOM3 ;;
*) echo "error!" ;;

echo $NEW_VAL > $FLAGS

[ "$CPU" = "cpu0" ] && {
echo "changed $FLAGS: $VAL => $NEW_VAL"
print_flags $NEW_VAL $CPU $DOM
cd ..

 \ /
  Last update: 2009-09-10 08:11    [W:0.388 / U:0.144 seconds]
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