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SubjectAsk a question related Assemble and C revert within vmlinux ?


I compile the linux kernel with mips .
Is there any tools let the Assemble code correspond to C code ?
I mean Assemble line correspond to C line .

----------------cut from objdump -S vmlinux ----------------------
801b5b40 <ip_rcv>:
801b5b40: 27bdffc0 addiu sp,sp,-64
801b5b44: afb00028 sw s0,40(sp)
801b5b48: afbf0038 sw ra,56(sp)
801b5b4c: afb30034 sw s3,52(sp)
801b5b50: afb20030 sw s2,48(sp)
801b5b54: afb1002c sw s1,44(sp)
801b5b58: 8c82006c lw v0,108(a0)
801b5b5c: 3c0300e0 lui v1,0xe0
801b5b60: 3c050060 lui a1,0x60
801b5b64: 00431024 and v0,v0,v1
801b5b68: 10450022 beq v0,a1,801b5bf4 <ip_rcv+0xb4>
801b5b6c: 00808021 move s0,a0
801b5b70: 3c128029 lui s2,0x8029
801b5b74: 8e42ef90 lw v0,-4208(s2)
801b5b78: 00808821 move s1,a0
801b5b7c: 8c430004 lw v1,4(v0)
801b5b80: 24630001 addiu v1,v1,1
801b5b84: ac430004 sw v1,4(v0)
801b5b88: 8c850078 lw a1,120(a0)
801b5b8c: 38a50001 xori a1,a1,0x1
801b5b90: 14a00027 bnez a1,801b5c30 <ip_rcv+0xf0>
801b5b94: 00000000 nop
801b5b98: 122000d6 beqz s1,801b5ef4 <ip_rcv+0x3b4>
801b5b9c: 02208021 move s0,s1
801b5ba0: 8e250058 lw a1,88(s1)
----------------------ip_rcv source code ---------------

int ip_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev, struct packet_type *pt, struct net_device *orig_dev)
struct iphdr *iph;
u32 len;

/* When the interface is in promisc. mode, drop all the crap
* that it receives, do not try to analyse it.
if (skb->pkt_type == PACKET_OTHERHOST)
goto drop;


if ((skb = skb_share_check(skb, GFP_ATOMIC)) == NULL) {
goto out;

if (!pskb_may_pull(skb, sizeof(struct iphdr)))
goto inhdr_error;

iph = skb->nh.iph;

if (iph->ihl < 5 || iph->version != 4)
goto inhdr_error;

if (!pskb_may_pull(skb, iph->ihl*4))
goto inhdr_error;

iph = skb->nh.iph;

Thanks a lot .
Best Regards.
Peter Meng

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  Last update: 2009-07-09 12:53    [W:0.057 / U:0.508 seconds]
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