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Subjectautoconf.h and auto.conf missing

It seems that someone has broken *conf programs in 2.6.18 because
only "make silentoldconfig" recreates autoconf.h and auto.conf
properly after configuration (.config) has changed.

I do everything as I always have done.
1. create an empty dir and put my current .config there
2. make O=dir oldconfig
3. compile, everything seems to be OK here
4. do some changes to .config and make oldconfig once again
5. auto.conf and autoconf.h don't change along with .config and when
I build the kernel once again new settings don't take effect.

I discovered I have to make silentoldconfig to regenerate autoconf
files. However, this *seems* to force rebuilding of all the objects
instead of, what it has always done, only those that depend on
altered configurations.

Has anyone else seen something like this? Is it a bug or a feature?

Best regards,

Please CC, I am not a subscriber.
Było mi bardzo miło. Czwarta pospolita klęska, [...]
>Łukasz< Już nie katolicka lecz złodziejska. (c)PP

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