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SubjectRe: HELP: Cannot get ALSA working on via82xx
On Thursday 15 July 2004 12:08, Timothy Miller wrote:
>Thank you for responding!
>Takashi Iwai wrote:
>> At Wed, 07 Jul 2004 14:26:54 -0400,
>> Timothy Miller wrote:
>>>I must once again reiterate my begging for help on this topic.
>>> I've gotten lots of help on the gentoo forum, but none of it's
>>> fixed my problems, and I've only gotten one response on LKML.
>>>*BEG* *BEG* *BEG*
>>>Please, won't someone take pity on me? :) Thanks!
>> via82xx doesn't support MPU401 by itslef although via686 does.
>I'm not sure if I have via686 or not. Various tools like lspci
> don't seem to reveal much.
>That's one of the problems I keep running into with Linux. There
> aren't good tools for finding out what you have, and even when you
> do find out what you have, it's hard to figure out which modules
> you need, because the module names don't correspond well with the
> chipset name. Furthermore, there doesn't seem to be a good way to
> relate module names with menuconfig entries. When someone says to
> use xyz module, I can't figure out which menuconfig option to
> select, so I have to compile ALL of them as modules, and when
> someone tells me to use a given menu option, I can't figure out
> which module corresponds to it.
>> You can try snd-mpu401 module instead.
>Well, I have a module snd-mpu401, but when I modprobe it, I get an
> error about a non-existant device.
> > When ACPI is enabled, the
>> configuration will be done automatically.
>> The midi device can be available as the second card.
>Ah, well, I had nightmares trying to use ACPI. I use just APM for
>things like power-off (power-off works with APM, but not with ACPI).
>Maybe some of the experts can help me to figure out how to get it
> all to work.
>I'm about ready to give up on ALSA and go back to OSS. Maybe
> someone can help me to figure out how to get MIDI sequencing to
> work with OSS instead. OSS would at least do audio right without
> noise and popping sounds, etc.
>I apologize for the impatient nature of this post... I've been
>struggling for weeks to get audio working right with ALSA, but every
>piece of advise I get seems only to make things worse.
> From what I read on various web sites, ALSA for via82xx is so buggy
>that it's really not worth using yet.
Humm, then why is everything running fine here, using alsa, on a
via82xx chipset, an 8233 TBE. Check your lsmod output against this:

Module Size Used by
snd_seq_oss 32896 0
snd_seq_midi_event 7744 1 snd_seq_oss
snd_seq 51408 4 snd_seq_oss,snd_seq_midi_event
snd_pcm_oss 50792 0
snd_mixer_oss 18624 1 snd_pcm_oss
snd_via82xx 25860 2
snd_ac97_codec 65860 1 snd_via82xx
snd_pcm 92644 3 snd_pcm_oss,snd_via82xx
snd_timer 24964 2 snd_seq,snd_pcm
snd_page_alloc 11400 2 snd_via82xx,snd_pcm
snd_mpu401_uart 7488 1 snd_via82xx
snd_rawmidi 24448 1 snd_mpu401_uart
snd_seq_device 8072 3 snd_seq_oss,snd_seq,snd_rawmidi
snd 54500 14

All this on a 2.6.8-rc1-mm1 kernel.

xmms runs fine, tvtime runs fine, I can play a cd or a realaudio
stream from the net, and the sound is pretty decent.

Cheers, Gene
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