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SubjectRe: Fix UDF-FS potentially dereferencing null

On Sat, 17 Apr 2004, Ingo Oeser wrote:
> Or even call the attribute "nonnull", because this is a very obvious
> naming, even to non-native English readers.

I did that at first, but decided that what I really wanted was "safe".

"nonnull" is nice for avoiding the NULL check, but it's useless for
anything else.

"safe" to my mind means that not only is it not NULL, it's also safe to
dereference early (ie "prefetchable"), which has a lot of meaning for the

> "safe" can mean anything from "safe to use under spinlock" to
> "you cannot get pregnant from using this variable".

That's pretty much _exactly_ what "safe" means.

Basically, a real C compiler is not allowed to dereference a pointer
speculatively, since that could have undefined side effects in the
machine. And "safe" means that there are no side effects, pregnancy-
or otherwise.

> GCC will not only optimize out the check, but also ensure that the we
> will not pass NULL ptrs, if it can notice it. If this gets pushed high
> enough (up to the register-like functions, where it gets first
> assigned), we will never face this kind of problem anymore and document
> this fact per function. Sounds like C coder heaven ;-)

No. "nonnull" is useless. Even if it isn't NULL, the C standard does not
allow the compiler to just dereference something willy-nilly.

In contrast, "safe" means that the compiler could do something like

int * safe ptr;

if (!a)
a = *ptr;

and know that it is "safe" to transform this into

tmp = *ptr;
a = a ? : tmp;

which it otherwise can't necessarily determine.


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