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SubjectRe: USB Device Access
On Tue, 2004-10-19 04:23:46 -0700, Jeba Anandhan A <>
wrote in message <>:
> i have one USB Flash Disk.when i attached to it,linux
> 2.4.20-8 detected it as /dev/ question,i wish

No, it doesn't. It will detect it as /dev/sda and additionally create a
partition (/dev/sda1) for it).

> to write some raw data and read raw consist
> fat to do it.[shall i need to mount the
> device in some directory].

Well, it depends on what you actually want:

- Raw data in a file inside a partition:
Mount the filesystem of the partition somewhere and open() the file

- Raw data inside the partition:
open() the partition (/dev/sda1 in your case); this'll probably
destroy the filesystem that it contains.

- Raw data directly on the (unpartitioned) device:
open() the device (/dev/sda) and write to it. That will probably
kill the partition table as well as the filesystem in this

By the way, this isn't really a kernel question, and if it's "urgent",
you'd probably ask your boss to send us some $$ for helping you...


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