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Subject2.5: NFS troubles

I'm testing 2.5.66-bk11 on my NFS server running RH9. When I run the
"find" command on the NFS share from my client computer, it hangs
forever after a while, but it always hangs *exactly* at the same place
every time. However, if I boot into NFS with RH9's standard kernel
(2.4.20), the "find" command works as expected and is able to complete
with any hangs or delays.

My NFS server (hostname glass) has a whole ext3 partition - mounted
under /data - formatted as ext3.

/etc/exports is

/etc/fstab is
/dev/hda3 /data ext3 defaults,noatime 1 2

I have this NFS share placed on my client computer /etc/fstab as

glass:/data /net/glass_data nfs noauto,users,soft 0 0

The client computer is running 2.5.66-mm1. I have attached the following
files, compressed with bzip2 as they are really big:

local-find.bz2 is the result of running the find command locally on the
NFS server (not using NFS) for you to see the whole list of files that
should be shown up.

nfs-find.bz2 is the actual list of files that are shown up using the
find command over the NFS share (running on my client computer) before
the "find" command hangs.

nfs-tcpdump.bz2 is a partial tcpdump output generated while the "find"
command is running over the NFS share.

nfs-strace.bz2 is an "strace -p <pid_of_find_command>" on the find
command that I run on my client computer.

Any ideas on what's hapenning here?
Thank you very much!

Linux Registered User #287198
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