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SubjectRe: BitBucket: GPL-ed BitKeeper clone
On Wed, Feb 26, 2003 at 09:02:12PM +0100, Pavel Machek wrote:
> Hi!
> I've created little project for read-only (for now ;-) bitkeeper
> clone. It is available at (no tar balls,
> just get it fresh from CVS).

In case it may be of some help, here's a script that is the result of my
own reverse engineering of the bitkeeper SCCS files. It can output a
diff, almost exactly the same as BitKeeper's gnupatch output from a
BitKeeper repo.

Debian -
Linux 1394 -
Subversion -
Deqo -
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Licensed under the GNU General Public License v2
# Copyright (C) 2002 Ben Collins <>

# This script will take one arg, that of a BitKeeper ChangeSet ID. It will
# then extract information from the current directory (expected to be a
# BitKeeper repository) to export a GNU Patch style output of the
# ChangeSet. It tries to be as close as possible to the gnupatch output
# from BitKeeper itself.
# This program requires the GNU CSSC suite to operate on the files. It
# also requires a patch to that suite so that it interoperates better with
# a BitSCCS style repository.
# You can get a list of ChangeSet ID's with this command:
# sccs prs -e -d:I: ChangeSet | less

use File::Basename;
use strict;

# Forward declerations
sub print_comment($;$;$;$);
sub get_prev_rev($;$);
sub resolve_sccs_loc($;$;$);

if (@ARGV != 1) {
print STDERR "Usage: bitsubversion <sid>\n";
exit 1;

if (not -f "SCCS/s.ChangeSet") {
print STDERR "Must be in a BitKeeper repo for this script to work\n";
exit 1;

my $rev = shift @ARGV;
my $prevrev = get_prev_rev("ChangeSet", $rev);

# Get the comments for this rev
open (COMMENTS, "sccs prs -r$rev '-d:D:\\n:P:\\n:C:' ChangeSet |") or die "opening sccs prs";
my $comments = "";
my $revdate = <COMMENTS>;
my $revperp = <COMMENTS>;
chomp $revdate;
chomp $revperp;
while (<COMMENTS>) {
last if m/^C: $/;
$comments = $comments . "# $_";

my @changes = ();
my $revuser = "";

open (PROJ, "sccs get -p BitKeeper/etc/config |") or die "opening BitKeeper/etc/config";
my $desc = "";
while (<PROJ>) { $desc = $1 if m/^description: (.*)/; }
close PROJ;

print "# This is a BitSubversion generated patch for the following project:\n";
print "# Project Name: $desc\n";
print "# This patch format is intended for GNU patch command version 2.5 or higher.\n";
print "# This patch includes the following deltas:\n";

print_comment("ChangeSet", $prevrev, $rev, "ChangeSet");

open(CSETDIFF, "sccs sccsdiff -u -r$prevrev -r$rev ChangeSet |") or die "opening sccs sccsdiff";
while (<CSETDIFF>) {
next if not m/^\+.*\|.*/;

my ($origcset, $csetkey) = split / /;
my $new = {};

# user@host|path/in/repo|YYYYMMDDHHMMSS|key
my ($userhost, $file, $date, $key) = split /\|/, $csetkey;

# user@host|path/in/repo|YYYYMMDDHHMMSS|key|crc?
my ($prevuserhost, $origfile, $junk2, $origkey, $crc) = split /\|/, $origcset;

$revuser = $userhost if $revuser eq "";

$new->{'file'} = $file;
$new->{'origfile'} = $origfile;
$new->{'origkey'} = $origkey;
$new->{'crc'} = $crc;

# Resolve the location of the file
$new->{'sccsfile'} =
resolve_sccs_loc($new->{'file'}, $new->{'origkey'}, $new->{'crc'});

my ($usr1) = split /\@/, $userhost;
my ($usr2) = split /\@/, $prevuserhost;

# Get the current and previous SID
open(PRS, "sccs prs '-dCSET: :I:\\n:P:\\n:C:' -e $new->{'sccsfile'} |") or
die "opening sccs prs";
$new->{'sid'} = "";
$new->{'parentfile'} = "(none)";
while (<PRS>) {
if (m/^P: (.*)$/) {
if ($new->{'sid'} ne "" and $new->{'parentfile'} eq "") {
$new->{'parentfile'} = $1;
} elsif ($new->{'parentfile'} eq "(none)") {
$new->{'parentfile'} = "";

next if not m/^CSET: (.*)$/;
my $sid = $1;

my $perp = <PRS>;
chomp $perp;

if ($new->{'sccsfile'} =~ m/^BitKeeper\/deleted\/\.del-/) {
$new->{'parentfile'} = <PRS>;
chomp $new->{'parentfile'};
$new->{'parentfile'} = s/^Deleted: //;

my $thiskey = "";
while (<PRS>) {
if (m/^K: (.*)$/) {
$thiskey = $1;

# This can be tricky folks. Even though we have a key, it
# is not unique. There's two other parts of the ChangeSet
# that BK uses as the complete key.
# One of the other parts is the date, given in
# YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. However it's totally useless it seems. I
# tried comparing it, and sometimes the date of the delta
# is a few seconds off from this date. I could do an
# approximation, but I'm too lazy. Also, CSSC is not very
# good at using this date to limit prs output.
# The second part of the key is the user (perp, or :P:
# under SCCS). This gives us a good chance at hitting the
# right delta.
next if $thiskey ne $key or
($perp ne $revperp and $perp ne $usr1 and $perp ne $usr2);

$new->{'sid'} = $sid;
close PRS;

$new->{'parentfile'} = $new->{'file'} if $new->{'parentfile'} eq "" or
$new->{'parentfile'} eq "(none)";

$new->{'prevsid'} = get_prev_rev($new->{'sccsfile'}, $new->{'sid'});

print_comment($new->{'file'}, $new->{'prevsid'}, $new->{'sid'}, $new->{'parentfile'});

unshift @changes, $new;


print "#\n";
print "# The following is the ChangeSet Log\n";
print "# --------------------------------------------\n";
print "# $revdate\t$revuser\t$rev\n";
print $comments;
print "# --------------------------------------------\n";
print "#\n";

open(DATE, "date '+%a %b %e %T %G' |") or die "opening data";
my $diffdate = <DATE>;
chomp $diffdate;
close DATE;

foreach my $entry (@changes) {
my $sid = $entry->{'sid'};
my $prevsid = $entry->{'prevsid'};
my $sccsfile = $entry->{'sccsfile'};
my $diffpath;
my $moving = 0;

die "$entry->{'file'} has illegal empty sid/prevsid" if $sid eq "" or $prevsid eq "";

if ($entry->{'file'} =~ m/^BitKeeper\/deleted\/\.del-/) {
# SCCS will handle this by saying the revs are alike
# (which they are), so we use our hacked sccsdiff and pass
# 1 as the second sid.
$sid = "1";
$diffpath = $entry->{'parentfile'};
} elsif ($entry->{'parentfile'} ne $entry->{'file'}) {
$moving = 1;
} else {
$diffpath = $entry->{'file'};

while (1) {
my ($mysid, $myprevsid);

if ($moving) {
if ($moving == 1) {
# Delete first
$diffpath = $entry->{'file'};
$mysid = 1;
$myprevsid = $prevsid;
# Print an informative header
print "ByteSubvert: move\n";
print "FromFile: $entry->{'file'}\n";
print "ToFile: $entry->{'parentfile'}\n";
$moving = 2;
} else {
# Now create the new file
$diffpath = $entry->{'parentfile'};
$mysid = $sid;
$myprevsid = 1;
$moving = 0;
} else {
$mysid = $sid;
$myprevsid = $prevsid;

open(DIFF, "sccs sccsdiff -u -r$myprevsid -r$mysid $sccsfile |")
or die "opening sccs sccsdiff";

while (<DIFF>) {
if (m/^$sccsfile/) {
print "diff -Nru a/$diffpath b/$diffpath\n";
if (m/^--- \/tmp/) {
# For new files, we hack the date so that patch
# treats it correctly. Without this, patch would
# allow this "new" diff to be applied onto an
# existing file. This way, patch knows that it is
# dealing with a new file, and errors if the file
# exists.
if ($myprevsid eq "1") {
print "--- /dev/null\tWed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969\n";
} else {
print "--- a/$diffpath\t$diffdate\n";
} elsif (m/^\+\+\+ \/tmp/) {
# For deleted files, we do the same thing, but on
# the "removed" side.
if ($mysid eq "1") {
print "+++ /dev/null\tWed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969\n";
} else {
print "+++ b/$diffpath\t$diffdate\n";
print $_;

last if not $moving;
close (DIFF);

sub get_prev_rev($;$) {
my $file = shift;
my $sid = shift;
my $prevsid;

open(PRS, "sccs prs -r$sid -d:DP: $file |") or die "opening sccs prs";
my $dp = <PRS>;
chomp $dp;
close PRS;

open(PRS, "sccs prs -e -d:I:::DS: $file |") or die "opening sccs prs";
while (<PRS>) {
my ($thissid, $ds) = split /:/;
if ($ds eq $dp) {
$prevsid = $thissid;
close PRS;

die "could not find prevrev for $file" if not defined($prevsid);

return $prevsid;

sub resolve_sccs_loc($;$;$) {
my $curpath = shift;
my $origkey = shift;
my $crc = shift;
my ($file, $dir, $sccsfile);

# The BitKeeper/etc/SCCS/x.id_cache file seems to contain history
# of how files move around the repo, and possibly eventually
# become deleted and end up in BitKeeper/deleted/.
# We'll abuse that file directly to find an arbitrary file at any
# point during the repo's history. Remember boys and girls, a file
# can move more than once. We use the initial file key and crc
# (found from the file entries pertaining to the ChangeSet) to
# make sure we match things up properly.

open(ID, "< BitKeeper/etc/SCCS/x.id_cache") or die "opening id_cache";
while (<ID>) {

next if not m/\|/;

my ($tmp, $newloc) = split / /;

# user@host|path/to/file|YYYYMMDDHHMMSS|key|crc?
my ($junk1, $prevpath, $junk2, $thiskey, $thiscrc) =
split /\|/, $tmp;

next if $origkey ne $thiskey or $curpath ne $prevpath or $crc ne $thiscrc;

$curpath = $newloc;
close ID;

($file,$dir) = fileparse($curpath);
$dir = "" if $dir eq "./";

$sccsfile = "${dir}SCCS/s.$file";

die "could not locate SCCS file for $curpath (via $sccsfile)" if not -f $sccsfile;

return $sccsfile;

sub print_comment($;$;$;$) {
my $file = shift;
my $prevrev = shift;
my $rev = shift;
my $origfile = shift;
my ($pathstr1, $pathstr2, $prevrevstr, $revstr);

my $len1 = 26; # Padding before first path
my $len2 = 7; # Padding between prevrev and "->"
my $len3 = 8; # Padding after second rev and following str

if ($prevrev eq "1" or $prevrev eq "1.0") { # New
$pathstr1 = ' 'x($len1-length("(new)")) . "(new)";
$pathstr2 = $file;
$prevrevstr = ' 'x$len2;
$revstr = $rev . ' 'x($len3-length($rev));
} elsif ($file =~ m/^BitKeeper\/deleted\/\.del-/) { # Deleted
$pathstr1 = ' 'x($len1-length($origfile)) . $origfile;
$pathstr2 = "(deleted)";
$prevrevstr = $prevrev . ' 'x($len2-length($prevrev));
$revstr = ' 'x$len3;
} elsif ($file ne $origfile) { # Moved
$pathstr1 = ' 'x($len1-length($origfile)) . $origfile;
$pathstr2 = "$file (moved)";
$prevrevstr = $prevrev . ' 'x($len2-length($prevrev));
$revstr = $rev . ' 'x($len3-length($rev));
} else { # Changed
$pathstr1 = ' 'x($len1-length($file)) . $file;
$pathstr2 = "";
$prevrevstr = $prevrev . ' 'x($len2-length($prevrev));
$revstr = $rev;

print "# $pathstr1\t$prevrevstr -> $revstr$pathstr2\n";
 \ /
  Last update: 2005-03-22 13:33    [W:0.123 / U:0.100 seconds]
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