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SubjectRe: 2.6.0-test7 and HIDBP
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 22:15:50 +0900 "Norman Diamond" <> wrote:

| Sam Ravnborg replied to me:
| > If there are dofferences between what is shown in xconfig and gconfig,
| > then there is a bug in one of the front-ends.
| > They use the same back-end - and what they display is based on the same
| > input files.
| Or maybe there are bugs in both of these front-ends. I finally thought of
| looking at two .config files in text editors, one produced by make xconfig
| and one produced by make gconfig. Both are for kernel 2.6.0-test7 though
| the machines and original distros are different.
| In the .config generated by make xconfig, the following lines exist:
| #
| # USB Human Interface Devices (HID)
| #
| # CONFIG_HID_FF is not set
| # CONFIG_USB_HIDDEV is not set
| #
| # USB HID Boot Protocol drivers
| #
| # CONFIG_USB_KBD is not set
| # CONFIG_USB_MOUSE is not set
| # CONFIG_USB_AIPTEK is not set
| # CONFIG_USB_WACOM is not set
| [...]
| OK, aside from making me wonder what HIDDEV refers to and why it isn't set,
| and making it rather non-obvious which drivers are HID Boot Protocol and
| which aren't, the settings look pretty reasonable to me.
| In the .config generated by make gconfig, the following lines exist:
| #
| # USB Human Interface Devices (HID)
| #
| # CONFIG_HID_FF is not set
| # CONFIG_USB_AIPTEK is not set
| # CONFIG_USB_WACOM is not set
| [...]
| With this file in a text editor, searching for string USB_KBD results in the
| string not being found.

Let me see if I am understanding this..
Is the problem that some generated .config files contain different
strings for options that are _not_ set, depending on which
front-end is used?
Or are you discussing a bug in the (on-screen) viewable part of a
config front-end?

If so, I'll confirm that different config front-ends generate different
.config files, and it makes using "vi .config && make oldconfig"
not as usable as I'd like it to be, but I don't know that it's a bug.

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