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SubjectRe: linux kernel conf 0.8
On Wed, 9 Oct 2002, Peter Samuelson wrote:

| [Roman Zippel]
| > The problem is that the config syntax will continue to evolve and
| > currently I prefer to keep the library close to the matching config
| > files.
| > I think I can keep the basic structure constant, but new options will be
| > added, so IMO it's more likely that a front end works with a newer
| > library than that a library can understand a newer syntax.
| Besides which, I think it is ridiculous that one would have to download
| and install a "kernel configurator" just to build a kernel. Current
| minimum requirements for compiling the thing are gcc, binutils and GNU
| make. The kernel can't very well ship a copy of any of those, because
| (a) they're huge and (b) they're useful for many things other than
| building kernels. Roman's library is neither.

Well, we all find some things more ridiculous than others, but...

The kernel would still have the text-mode configurator.
This only applies to the GUI kernel config.
So you wouldn't have to download the kernel config unless you just
wanted that oh-so-pretty GUI to config it.

[rhetorical question:]
So should it be shipped with a full Qt development environment, e.g.?

| (And no, "modutils" isn't a counterexample - you can build, install and
| run a kernel without it.)

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