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    SubjectRe: [CFT] faster athlon/duron memory copy implementation
    Daniel Egger wrote:

    >Being interested in seeing how the Via Ezra system here performs I also
    >ran it there but experienced three segfaults in the last three tests;
    >two of which I can explain, but no_prefetch is a stranger right now.
    It seems the via cpu doesn't support prefetchnta. Could you try the
    attached version?



    (C) 2000 Arjan van de Ven and others licensed under the terms of the GPL

    $Revision: 1.6 $

    static char cvsid[] = "$Id: fast.c,v 1.6 2000/09/23 09:05:45 arjan Exp $";
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>

    /* The 2.4 kernel one, adapted for userspace */

    static void fast_clear_page(void *page)
    int i;
    char fpu_save[108];

    __asm__ __volatile__ ( " fsave %0; fwait\n"::"m"(fpu_save[0]) );

    __asm__ __volatile__ (
    " pxor %%mm0, %%mm0\n" : :

    __asm__ __volatile__ (
    " movq %%mm0, (%0)\n"
    " movq %%mm0, 8(%0)\n"
    " movq %%mm0, 16(%0)\n"
    " movq %%mm0, 24(%0)\n"
    " movq %%mm0, 32(%0)\n"
    " movq %%mm0, 40(%0)\n"
    " movq %%mm0, 48(%0)\n"
    " movq %%mm0, 56(%0)\n"
    " movq %%mm0, 64(%0)\n"
    " movq %%mm0, 72(%0)\n"
    " movq %%mm0, 80(%0)\n"
    " movq %%mm0, 88(%0)\n"
    " movq %%mm0, 96(%0)\n"
    " movq %%mm0, 104(%0)\n"
    " movq %%mm0, 112(%0)\n"
    " movq %%mm0, 120(%0)\n"
    : : "r" (page) : "memory");
    __asm__ __volatile__ (
    " femms\n" : :
    __asm__ __volatile__ ( " frstor %0;\n"::"m"(fpu_save[0]) );


    /* modified version for Athlon-family processors */
    static void faster_clear_page(void *page)
    int i;
    char fpu_save[108];

    __asm__ __volatile__ ( " fsave %0; fwait\n"::"m"(fpu_save[0]) );
    __asm__ __volatile__ (
    " pxor %%mm0, %%mm0\n" : :

    __asm__ __volatile__ (
    " movntq %%mm0, (%0)\n"
    " movntq %%mm0, 8(%0)\n"
    " movntq %%mm0, 16(%0)\n"
    " movntq %%mm0, 24(%0)\n"
    " movntq %%mm0, 32(%0)\n"
    " movntq %%mm0, 40(%0)\n"
    " movntq %%mm0, 48(%0)\n"
    " movntq %%mm0, 56(%0)\n"
    : : "r" (page) : "memory");
    __asm__ __volatile__ (
    " sfence \n "
    " femms\n" : :
    __asm__ __volatile__ ( " frstor %0;\n"::"m"(fpu_save[0]) );


    /* test version to go even faster... this might be the same as faster_
    * but serves as my playground.
    static void even_faster_clear_page(void *page)
    int i;
    char fpu_save[108];
    __asm__ __volatile__ ( " fsave %0; fwait\n"::"m"(fpu_save[0]) );

    __asm__ __volatile__ (
    " pxor %%mm0, %%mm0\n" : :

    __asm__ __volatile__ (
    " movntq %%mm0, (%0)\n"
    " movntq %%mm0, 8(%0)\n"
    " movntq %%mm0, 16(%0)\n"
    " movntq %%mm0, 24(%0)\n"
    " movntq %%mm0, 32(%0)\n"
    " movntq %%mm0, 40(%0)\n"
    " movntq %%mm0, 48(%0)\n"
    " movntq %%mm0, 56(%0)\n"
    : : "r" (page) : "memory");
    __asm__ __volatile__ (
    " sfence \n "
    " femms\n" : :
    __asm__ __volatile__ ( " frstor %0;\n"::"m"(fpu_save[0]) );


    /* The "fallback" one as used by the kernel */
    static void slow_zero_page(void * page)
    int d0, d1;
    __asm__ __volatile__( \
    "cld\n\t" \
    "rep ; stosl" \
    : "=&c" (d0), "=&D" (d1)
    :"a" (0),"1" (page),"0" (1024)

    static void slow_copy_page(void *to, void *from)
    int d0, d1, d2;
    __asm__ __volatile__( \
    "cld\n\t" \
    "rep ; movsl" \
    : "=&c" (d0), "=&D" (d1), "=&S" (d2) \
    : "0" (1024),"1" ((long) to),"2" ((long) from) \
    : "memory");

    /* 2.4 kernel mmx copy_page function */
    static void fast_copy_page(void *to, void *from)
    int i;
    char fpu_save[108];
    __asm__ __volatile__ ( " fsave %0; fwait\n"::"m"(fpu_save[0]) );

    __asm__ __volatile__ (
    "1: prefetch (%0)\n"
    " prefetch 64(%0)\n"
    " prefetch 128(%0)\n"
    " prefetch 192(%0)\n"
    " prefetch 256(%0)\n"
    : : "r" (from) );

    for(i=0; i<4096/64; i++)
    __asm__ __volatile__ (
    "1: prefetch 320(%0)\n"
    "2: movq (%0), %%mm0\n"
    " movq 8(%0), %%mm1\n"
    " movq 16(%0), %%mm2\n"
    " movq 24(%0), %%mm3\n"
    " movq %%mm0, (%1)\n"
    " movq %%mm1, 8(%1)\n"
    " movq %%mm2, 16(%1)\n"
    " movq %%mm3, 24(%1)\n"
    " movq 32(%0), %%mm0\n"
    " movq 40(%0), %%mm1\n"
    " movq 48(%0), %%mm2\n"
    " movq 56(%0), %%mm3\n"
    " movq %%mm0, 32(%1)\n"
    " movq %%mm1, 40(%1)\n"
    " movq %%mm2, 48(%1)\n"
    " movq %%mm3, 56(%1)\n"
    : : "r" (from), "r" (to) : "memory");
    __asm__ __volatile__ (
    " femms\n" : :
    __asm__ __volatile__ ( " fsave %0; fwait\n"::"m"(fpu_save[0]) );


    /* Athlon improved version */
    static void faster_copy_page(void *to, void *from)
    int i;
    char fpu_save[108];

    __asm__ __volatile__ (
    "1: prefetchnta (%0)\n"
    " prefetchnta 64(%0)\n"
    " prefetchnta 128(%0)\n"
    " prefetchnta 192(%0)\n"
    : : "r" (from) );

    __asm__ __volatile__ ( " fsave %0; fwait\n"::"m"(fpu_save[0]) );

    for(i=0; i<4096/64; i++)
    __asm__ __volatile__ (
    "1: prefetchnta 320(%0)\n"
    "2: movq (%0), %%mm0\n"
    " movq 8(%0), %%mm1\n"
    " movq 16(%0), %%mm2\n"
    " movq 24(%0), %%mm3\n"
    " movq 32(%0), %%mm4\n"
    " movq 40(%0), %%mm5\n"
    " movq 48(%0), %%mm6\n"
    " movq 56(%0), %%mm7\n"
    " movntq %%mm0, (%1)\n"
    " movntq %%mm1, 8(%1)\n"
    " movntq %%mm2, 16(%1)\n"
    " movntq %%mm3, 24(%1)\n"
    " movntq %%mm4, 32(%1)\n"
    " movntq %%mm5, 40(%1)\n"
    " movntq %%mm6, 48(%1)\n"
    " movntq %%mm7, 56(%1)\n"
    : : "r" (from), "r" (to) : "memory");
    __asm__ __volatile__ (
    " femms \n "
    " sfence\n" : :
    __asm__ __volatile__ ( " frstor %0;\n"::"m"(fpu_save[0]) );


    /* test version to go even faster... this might be the same as faster_
    * but serves as my playground.
    static void even_faster_copy_page(void *to, void *from)
    int i;
    char fpu_save[108];

    __asm__ __volatile__ (
    "1: prefetchnta (%0)\n"
    " prefetchnta 64(%0)\n"
    " prefetchnta 128(%0)\n"
    " prefetchnta 192(%0)\n"
    : : "r" (from) );

    __asm__ __volatile__ ( " fsave %0; fwait\n"::"m"(fpu_save[0]) );

    for(i=0; i<4096/64; i++)
    __asm__ __volatile__ (
    " prefetchnta 256(%0)\n"
    " movq (%0), %%mm0\n"
    " movntq %%mm0, (%1)\n"
    " movq 8(%0), %%mm1\n"
    " movntq %%mm1, 8(%1)\n"
    " movq 16(%0), %%mm2\n"
    " movntq %%mm2, 16(%1)\n"
    " movq 24(%0), %%mm3\n"
    " movntq %%mm3, 24(%1)\n"
    " movq 32(%0), %%mm4\n"
    " movntq %%mm4, 32(%1)\n"
    " movq 40(%0), %%mm5\n"
    " movntq %%mm5, 40(%1)\n"
    " movq 48(%0), %%mm6\n"
    " movntq %%mm6, 48(%1)\n"
    " movq 56(%0), %%mm7\n"
    " movntq %%mm7, 56(%1)\n"
    : : "r" (from), "r" (to) : "memory");
    __asm__ __volatile__ (
    " femms \n "
    " sfence\n" : :
    __asm__ __volatile__ ( " frstor %0;\n"::"m"(fpu_save[0]) );


    * This looks horribly ugly, but the compiler can optimize it totally,
    * as the count is constant.
    static inline void * __constant_memcpy(void * to, const void * from, size_t n)
    switch (n) {
    case 0:
    return to;
    case 1:
    *(unsigned char *)to = *(const unsigned char *)from;
    return to;
    case 2:
    *(unsigned short *)to = *(const unsigned short *)from;
    return to;
    case 3:
    *(unsigned short *)to = *(const unsigned short *)from;
    *(2+(unsigned char *)to) = *(2+(const unsigned char *)from);
    return to;
    case 4:
    *(unsigned long *)to = *(const unsigned long *)from;
    return to;
    case 6: /* for Ethernet addresses */
    *(unsigned long *)to = *(const unsigned long *)from;
    *(2+(unsigned short *)to) = *(2+(const unsigned short *)from);
    return to;
    case 8:
    *(unsigned long *)to = *(const unsigned long *)from;
    *(1+(unsigned long *)to) = *(1+(const unsigned long *)from);
    return to;
    case 12:
    *(unsigned long *)to = *(const unsigned long *)from;
    *(1+(unsigned long *)to) = *(1+(const unsigned long *)from);
    *(2+(unsigned long *)to) = *(2+(const unsigned long *)from);
    return to;
    case 16:
    *(unsigned long *)to = *(const unsigned long *)from;
    *(1+(unsigned long *)to) = *(1+(const unsigned long *)from);
    *(2+(unsigned long *)to) = *(2+(const unsigned long *)from);
    *(3+(unsigned long *)to) = *(3+(const unsigned long *)from);
    return to;
    case 20:
    *(unsigned long *)to = *(const unsigned long *)from;
    *(1+(unsigned long *)to) = *(1+(const unsigned long *)from);
    *(2+(unsigned long *)to) = *(2+(const unsigned long *)from);
    *(3+(unsigned long *)to) = *(3+(const unsigned long *)from);
    *(4+(unsigned long *)to) = *(4+(const unsigned long *)from);
    return to;
    #define COMMON(x) \
    __asm__ __volatile__( \
    "rep ; movsl" \
    x \
    : "=&c" (d0), "=&D" (d1), "=&S" (d2) \
    : "0" (n/4),"1" ((long) to),"2" ((long) from) \
    : "memory");
    int d0, d1, d2;
    switch (n % 4) {
    case 0: COMMON(""); return to;
    case 1: COMMON("\n\tmovsb"); return to;
    case 2: COMMON("\n\tmovsw"); return to;
    default: COMMON("\n\tmovsw\n\tmovsb"); return to;

    #undef COMMON

    static void normal_copy_page(void *to, void *from)

    * This looks horribly ugly, but the compiler can optimize it totally,
    * as we by now know that both pattern and count is constant..
    static inline void * __constant_c_and_count_memset(void * s, unsigned long pattern, size_t count)
    switch (count) {
    case 0:
    return s;
    case 1:
    *(unsigned char *)s = pattern;
    return s;
    case 2:
    *(unsigned short *)s = pattern;
    return s;
    case 3:
    *(unsigned short *)s = pattern;
    *(2+(unsigned char *)s) = pattern;
    return s;
    case 4:
    *(unsigned long *)s = pattern;
    return s;
    #define COMMON(x) \
    __asm__ __volatile__( \
    "rep ; stosl" \
    x \
    : "=&c" (d0), "=&D" (d1) \
    : "a" (pattern),"0" (count/4),"1" ((long) s) \
    : "memory")
    int d0, d1;
    switch (count % 4) {
    case 0: COMMON(""); return s;
    case 1: COMMON("\n\tstosb"); return s;
    case 2: COMMON("\n\tstosw"); return s;
    default: COMMON("\n\tstosw\n\tstosb"); return s;

    #undef COMMON

    static void normal_clear_page(void *to)

    /* test version to see if we can go even faster */
    static void no_prefetch_copy_page(void *to, void *from) {
    int i, d1;
    char fpu_save[108];

    for (i=4096-256;i>=0;i-=256)
    __asm__ __volatile(
    "movl 192(%1,%2),%0\n"
    "movl 128(%1,%2),%0\n"
    "movl 64(%1,%2),%0\n"
    "movl 0(%1,%2),%0\n"
    : "=&r" (d1)
    : "r" (from), "r" (i));

    __asm__ __volatile__ ( " fsave %0; fwait\n"::"m"(fpu_save[0]) );

    for(i=0; i<4096/64; i++) {
    __asm__ __volatile__ (
    " movq (%0), %%mm0\n"
    " movntq %%mm0, (%1)\n"
    " movq 8(%0), %%mm1\n"
    " movntq %%mm1, 8(%1)\n"
    " movq 16(%0), %%mm2\n"
    " movntq %%mm2, 16(%1)\n"
    " movq 24(%0), %%mm3\n"
    " movntq %%mm3, 24(%1)\n"
    " movq 32(%0), %%mm4\n"
    " movntq %%mm4, 32(%1)\n"
    " movq 40(%0), %%mm5\n"
    " movntq %%mm5, 40(%1)\n"
    " movq 48(%0), %%mm6\n"
    " movntq %%mm6, 48(%1)\n"
    " movq 56(%0), %%mm7\n"
    " movntq %%mm7, 56(%1)\n"
    : : "r" (from), "r" (to) : "memory");
    __asm__ __volatile__ (
    " sfence \n "
    " emms\n"
    " frstor %0;\n" ::"m"(fpu_save[0]) );

    #define rdtsc(low,high) \
    __asm__ __volatile__("rdtsc" : "=a" (low), "=d" (high))

    typedef void (clear_func)(void *);
    typedef void (copy_func)(void *,void *);

    void test_one_clearpage(clear_func *func, char *name, char *Buffer)
    char *temp;
    int i;
    unsigned int blow,bhigh,alow,ahigh;
    unsigned long long before,after;

    temp = Buffer;
    for (i=0;i<4*1024;i++) {
    temp += 4096;
    before = blow + (((long long)bhigh)<<32);
    after = alow +(((long long)ahigh)<<32);
    if (before>after) {
    printf("test invalid; timer overflow \n");
    printf("clear_page function '%s'\t took %4lli cycles per page\n",name,(after-before)/(4*1024) );


    void test_one_copypage(copy_func *func, char *name, char *Buffer)
    char *temp;
    int i;
    unsigned int blow,bhigh,alow,ahigh;
    unsigned long long before,after;

    temp = Buffer;
    for (i=0;i<2*1024;i++) {
    temp += 4096;
    before = blow+ (((long long)bhigh)<<32);
    after = alow+(((long long)ahigh)<<32);
    if (before>after) {
    printf("test invalid; timer overflow \n");
    printf("copy_page function '%s'\t took %4lli cycles per page\n",name,(after-before)/(2*1024) );


    void test_clearpage(char *Buffer)
    printf("clear_page() tests \n");

    test_one_clearpage(fast_clear_page,"warm up run",Buffer);
    test_one_clearpage(normal_clear_page,"2.4 non MMX",Buffer);
    test_one_clearpage(slow_zero_page,"2.4 MMX fallback",Buffer);
    test_one_clearpage(fast_clear_page,"2.4 MMX version",Buffer);

    void test_copypage(char *Buffer)
    printf("copy_page() tests \n");

    test_one_copypage(fast_copy_page, "warm up run",Buffer);
    test_one_copypage(normal_copy_page,"2.4 non MMX",Buffer);
    test_one_copypage(slow_copy_page, "2.4 MMX fallback",Buffer);
    test_one_copypage(fast_copy_page, "2.4 MMX version",Buffer);

    int main()
    char *Buffer;

    Buffer = malloc(1024*1024*16);

    printf("Athlon test program %s \n",cvsid);



    return 0;
     \ /
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