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    SubjectRe: parport_pc tries to load parport_serial automatically
    On Tue, Jun 26, 2001 at 03:17:32AM -0300, Marcelo Tosatti wrote:

    > If the initialization of parport_serial fails, we obviously get an
    > error message, which is really annoying:

    [This is different to the issue that is fixed in the -ac tree about
    parport_serial getting probed for even when disabled in config.]

    The idea was that people who have multi-IO cards but don't know what
    modules are can have things Just Work: parport_serial gets loaded
    automagically and detects their cards for them. But yes, the flip
    side is that people who _don't_ have multi-IO cards are going to get
    that error.

    There are three ways out, I think:

    - change parport_pc so that it doesn't request parport_serial at
    init. In this case, how will parport_serial get loaded at all?
    Perhaps with some recommended /etc/modules.conf lines (perhaps

    - people who get the error and don't like it can put 'alias
    parport_serial off' in /etc/modules.conf. Not especially pleasant,
    I guess.

    - parport_serial could be made to initialise successfully even if it
    doesn't see any devices that it can drive.

    What do people think?

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