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SubjectRe: Of removable devices
David Balazic <> writes:

> >
> > And who gets the notice if no one is there? or no one is logged in?
[skipped sarcasm]
> The one that ejected the medium , obviously.
> echo "Put that back in , son !" > /dev/console
> satisfied ?

No. The sole role of the kernel in case of broken hardware
(hence, floppies) is to ensure data integrity, not to tell the user
"please insert floppy #adead007". Easing removable media manipulation
would sure be a great plus (for users), but not to the expense of
unneeded and unnecessary tell-user-what-to-do stuff. If it were to
take this path, then IMHO the already mentioned proposal of a kernel
space (ultralight) daemon noticing an userspace daemon about missing
medium would be the best solution.

And even if user space notification and report were implemented and
functional, a user in a hurry is a user in a hurry and would be far
away from the culprit machine before the "please insert" message pops
up on the screen. OTOH, he'd be happy to see that "the floppy I forgot
yesterday" is alive and well...

> Or just make the drive "buzz" like I described in my other mail.
> ( by turning the motor on and off , and moving the head around )

Sure, turn already-broken hardware into fubar hardware...

fg, who thinks this branch of the thread has little to do with
kernel stuff...

# rm *;o
o: command not found

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