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SubjectRe: IP autoconfig doesn't work in 2.3.46
> > Can we take IP autoconfig out of the kernel?

How big is this thing?

> > You should be able to accomplish the same thing with dhcpcd, bootp,
> > pump, etc.
> Some of it you cant do without userspace (eg dhcp). I'd like to lose the
> IP autoconfig code, it doesnt handle some interface types, it can't handle
> some of the common bootp daemon extras and it has some unfunny routing
> interaction wiht the kernel which are not clean (tm).
> On the other hand for 2.4 we can only do this if someone has or will do the
> usermode initrd for it and put it up somewhere. Post 2.4 it has-to-go.
> DHCP is the routine system now, we already cant handle it without an initrd

Great. Now instead of just catting my kernel to a floppy and it just
'works', I'll have to make a boot disk with ext2 or minix on it and figure
out what files out of what packages I need just to query a bootp server.
ATM, I don't know how to leave initrd (I never looked)

I understand that DHCP can just change your IP while you're running. No
problem since I haven't been using DHCP (and wouldn't use it for diskless

Personally, for diskless machines which boots the kernel directly (no lilo,
no syslinux, etc) this is a good thing. (Or atleast I believe so) I've
never used ip autoconfig using arp except once where I had a digiport server
that would do this but not bootp. Anyway, I atleast hope that bootp
autoconfig isn't removed from the kernel for this reason.

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