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SubjectBecoming a Linux Hacker?

I bought Linux about 18 months ago, mostly to appear erudite and
interesting (hah). I hated it for about 3 days, which was how long it
took me to get the damn thing to install and run XWindows. Then, of
course, I fell in love with it.

I've spent the past 18 months putting various distributions and
installations on my machines, breaking them, reinstalling them,
configuring them, breaking them again, and then finally getting them to
work. I'd now consider myself a competant system admin, if not an
exceptional one. I've just been given a rather well paid job, due mostly
to the skills I learnt during the long hours of tinkering with rc files
and kernel-compile options, wrestling with Perl installation scripts,
and teaching myself C.

And now, dammit, I wanna hack kernels.

So, basically, my question is this: Where should I start? My C is
pretty good, I'm fairly au fait with all the popular distributions, and
I've got a fairly wide selection of hardware to test things on.
Eric Raymond suggests becoming a beta tester, and I figure he knows
what he's talking about. I'd be grateful if anyone could point me in the
direction of a list of things that need testing, or feel free to bug me
if you want me to test your own stuff.
General pointers to sites, FAQs and lists welcomed.


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