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SubjectRe: [linux-tr] SysKonnect driver broken in new kernels?
On Sun, 19 Sep 1999, Alan Cox wrote:

> So its something it doesnt do. Ok now the right question is
> "What changed in ibmtr.c over the same sort of period".

I'll try to take a look, but I have _no_ idea where to begin.

> Do you know roughly which actual kernel broke sktr ?

No idea. My first contact with this driver at all was last week. Someone
who's used the driver before might know better. What changes have occured
in netif_rx() (and related) lately? When did sktr first make it into the
mainstream kernels? It obviously worked then or it wouldn't have made it
in (right? :).

> > The major thing that breaks is sktr_wait(). Replacing it with a udelay()
> I fixed that in my tree. It uses udelay short short stops and schedule
> for long ones

Did it make it into 2.3.18ac6?

> > I'm not real sure what breaks recieve. I don't know enough about the
> Well netif_rx is supposed to pass a packet up to the higher layers. The
> board seems to be claling this. It also sets skb->protocol before hand
> which is correct. The only thing I can't see is who sets skb->dev. It might
> be adding skb->dev = dev before the netif_rx makes life happy - try it can
> you ?

No good. Anyway, skb->dev does get set on line 2570ish (rpl->Skb->dev =

> > Also, would a patch get accepted that renamed the SysKonnect driver to
> > something more like 'Generic TMS380'? (The TMS380 chipset is sortof the
> > NE2000 of token ring -- for both ISA and PCI cards.)
> Interesting. I didnt know that. You have example non syskonnect cards it works
> with ?

Yes. The Compaq PCI TR card is what I'm using right now. I also have an
old (1990ish) Intel ISA card that should work with this driver, and I have
some Thomas-Conrad PCI cards on the way that should be identical to the
Compaq cards. Anything that uses these chipsets should work, according
to TI:
- TMS380C16+TMS38053 [1st generation COMprocessor+Ring Interface]
(as on ISA Intel card)
- TMS380C20+TMS38053/4 [1st generation+Ring Interface]
(yet to see one of these, but its standard according to TI)
- TMS380C25+TMS38054 [2nd generation COMprocessor+Ring Interface]
(as on ISA SysKonnect cards)
- TMS380C25+TMS38054+TMS380PCIA [2nd generation COM+RI+PCI interface]
(as on PCI SysKonnect cards)
- TMS380C30+TMS380PCIA [2nd+ generation COMRI+PCI (same as C25+54 in
one chip)
(as on Compaq/Thomas-Conrad PCI cards)

Any of the 2nd generation chips support Dedicated (switched) token ring as
well. The only thing the TMS380 doesn't do is 100Mbit, which I believe
only Madge does anyway.

TI has been very open with information, including releasing the
microcode/firmware out with no restrictions. (I need to talk to them more
about this; but from what I can see, the strict warning at the top of
sktr_firmware.h can be lightened up a bit. You can get a copy of the
firmware just by emailing them and asking for it.)

In any case, the SysKonnect driver is a very generic driver and it should
be represented as such. When I get it working with all my cards, I'll
go through and do the name change and patches (including putting myself as
the maintainer).


Adam Fritzler
"Something in my systray is blinking wildly." -- DS

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