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SubjectRe: Saving device driver state during shutdown
Joe Cotellese wrote:
> Can anyone tell me if a method exists for saving device driver state
> during shutdown. It seems to me that there may be instances where
> devices might need to save some state information (in my case, audio
> mixer settings) during shutdown. Searching through the kernel
> sources and various on-line references I didn't see anything like
> this. Does anyone think this is a good idea? If not, does another
> method exists for saving state, for example an ioctl interface to a
> ring 3 component?

The "unix way" to do this is to run a program at shutdown that does
this. Conveniently all distributions have a sysv-init setup that
allows this.

Indeed all it needs are the ioctls that allow it to read the current
settings. If you run "xmix" you can see it read the current state from
the driver, as it moves the sliders when another application changes

I even think that OSS comes with an application to do this.


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