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SubjectRe: First WinModem for Linux
On Mon, 2 Aug 1999, Jeff Garzik wrote:

>>From LinuxToday:
>"PC-TEL announces new LinModem"
>Does anybody have links to code or the original announcement? The
>article here says only that the drivers went to OEMs today. No useful
>links, code, or discussion of software license could be found in a quick

Woohoo! It is about time! I'm going to get rid of this damned
real modem that I have now, and walk^H^H^H^H_RUN_ to the nearest
store that sells PC-TEL Linmodems, and buy one immediately.

They've done a great thing for the Linux community now, and
deserve to be supported. Now if we could just convince 3Dfx to
create LinVoodoo III cards, we'd really be rocking. Just
imagine, your CPU acting as the main chip on the Voodoo III card!
I'll bet you could burn two CD's at once on a single IDE channel
while having a game of Quake II on a 200Mhz system (online of
course with your Linmodem).

Lets all try and get as many companies as possible to create
peripherals that contain not even one atom of silicon - just
wires. Hey - 1Ghz CPU's are just around the corner right? Gotta
have something for them to do...

Mike A. Harris Linux advocate GNU advocate
Computer Consultant Open Source advocate

Tea, Earl Grey, Hot...

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