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SubjectRe: access beyond end of device errors in 2.2.12/13pre12
On Thu, 30 Sep 1999, Stephen C. Tweedie wrote:


> OK, I'd really like to know what sort of IO was going on. Is it heavy,
> sustained access to a single large file or is there a lot of open/close
> activity going on? Were you deleting data at the time? Allocating
> data? If we can get some feedback on the load patterns, that will help.

I encounter the errors when our webstat program is going though the whole
mySQL database which is about 1.5GB. The SCSI controller is a adaptec
2940U2W. I've tried upgrading from 2.2.12 to 2.3.18 but that's the same.
The computer is a 400MHZ Pentium II with one processor and 256MB RAM.

- gustav

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