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SubjectRe: [offtopic] Re: Microsoft Web Site
>>>>> "Ryan" == Ryan Krebs <> writes:

Ryan> On 7 Oct 1999, Jes Sorensen wrote:
>> NT4 does not support hot-plug PCMCIA, aka it does not support
>> PCMCIA. PCMCIA without hot-plug is nothing but ISA support.

Ryan> I don't think hot swapping is an issue for most people today.
Ryan> Since most laptops have internal CDROMs and what-not, they don't
Ryan> need to worry about using external stuff that would require a PC
Ryan> card. Most people with laptops will have an ethernet card
Ryan> and/or a modem, which they can use both at the same time, or
Ryan> even get them on the same card.

Hot swapping PCMCIA is the whole point of PCMCIA, if you do not
support that there is no reason to refer to PCMCIA support at
all. It's like saying that one should switch off a laptop instead of
doing suspend to disk.

Now, how can it be that a silly thread like this can result in so many
replies even in $#$#@ private email on the subject. If all this energy
was spent on hacking code instead we would be well ahead of anybody


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