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SubjectRe: blacklist cdrom?
Wakko Warner wrote:
> I just found something interesting. Playing with a machine (I have my
> network at work setup to boot any system off floppy and mount a dir from the
> server) I noticed the cdrom (ide) shows up with multiple luns when using the
> ide-scsi driver. This is a teac cd-516e rev 1.0c. It's a single tray
> cdrom.

I have noticed the same thing. In particular there are 8 LUNs for
each CD device. I've seen it with different brands of CD drives
(HP, Philips, Hitachi(I think)). Happens whether the device is
CDROM or CDRW. I don't know any value to this behaviour. But
it is awkward. In each case have a CDROM and a CDRW on the same
IDE bus. Each is running RH6.0 with kernel 2.2.10. In each case
I have had to edit /dev/MAKEDEV to create more SCSI device nodes
because the default was only 8, and that only covered the first
Allen Brown

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