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SubjectMax RAM on Linux. Was: re: Will the io.h change be submitted to Linus soon?
On Wed, 27 Jan 1999, Thomas Schenk wrote:

>Will the change to io.h needed to support 2Gigs of RAM be submitted to
>Linus soon?

The changes needed to support up to 2Gigs of RAM on Intel are listed in
They are a bit wrong (see below), but they are there.

> We are eager to move to 2.2 (over 150 machines), but need
>to have that fix in place. To refresh your memory, the fix I am talking
>about is this one (quoting a message from Leonard Zubkoff):
>>I'm fairly certain that it is the virtual to physical mapping macros that are
>>producing incorrect results. Please try changing linux/include/asm-i386/io.h
>>#define __io_virt(x) ((void *)(PAGE_OFFSET | (unsigned long)(x)))
>>#define __io_phys(x) ((unsigned long)(x) & ~PAGE_OFFSET)
>>#define __io_virt(x) ((void *)((unsigned long)(x) + PAGE_OFFSET))
>>#define __io_phys(x) ((unsigned long)(x) - PAGE_OFFSET)
>>and see if that helps.

Many people said that this patch would risk to break many drivers
and won't go in 2.2.x, at least for now.
Also, this patch is not *necessary* (even though it would be useful) to support
up to (almost) 2Gigs of RAM on Intel.

>Using this change is the only way for me to get 2.2.0 to work with 2Gigs of
>RAM correctly.

As Linus said just a few days ago, you can change PAGE_OFFSET
from 0xC0000000 to 0x80000000 in linux/include/asm-i386/page.h ,
also change 0xC0000000 -> 0x80000000 in linux/arch/i386/
and recompile (remember to recompile modules too)

The resulting kernel will support and use up to 1984MB:
not plain 2Gigs, but near.

Please notice that the note in linux/include/asm-i386/page.h which says to
change 0xC0000000 -> 0x70000000 is wrong as it would also require the patch
you quoted.

>Tom Schenk

Massimiliano Ghilardi

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