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SubjectRe: How is quota implemented?
On Fri, 22 Jan 1999, Steen Suder wrote:

> I'm trying to find out how quota is implemented.
> I know about kernel options and such, but can find out if the kernel
> maintains some sort of table in mem or if it's a file...

If I remember correctly, the Linux quota system works (in principle
anyway) a lot like the 4.4BSD quota system. See "The Design and
Implementation of the 4.4BSD Operating System" by McKusick et al [1] if
you want a technical discussion.

Short version: there are two files, "quota.user" and "" that
store per-user and per-group (respectively) allocated block counts along
with the hard and soft limits. Since updating these every time a user
allocates or frees a block would be slow, the kernel maintains a cache in
memory using the "dquot" structure. This works like any other cache -
when someone's actively allocating/freeing blocks, their dquot is in
memory; after some time passes and/or other people busy the quota system,
the record gets flushed out to the disk files. This is why shutdown
scripts have to disable quotas before they unmount filesystems - disabling
the quota system forces the "cache" to be flushed.

It is, of course, also important that the quota.* files be correct before
the quota subsystem is started, so it knows how much each user/group
already has allocated; if your system crashes without a clean quota
shutdown, the on-disk values may be inconsistent and need to be
regenerated (which is time-consuming for a traditional FS, although a JFS
or LFS can handle this much faster).

Hope that helps!

[1] - if you want to help out a starving graduate student, buy it from through my "recommended reading" page:
Your lives aren't small, but \\ Adam Davenport Bradley, Grad Student
you're living them in a small \\ Boston University Computer Science
way. Live openly and expansively! \\ 353-8921/MCS211
II Cor 6:12-13 (The Message) <>< \\

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