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SubjectRe: Linus Speaks About KDE-Bashing
Manish Singh wrote:
> I'm not against making GIMP work better with KDE. I just don't think
> we need to link with qt to do it. The man who we need to talk to,
> Matthias Ettrich, is on vacation, so there is little that can be
> discussed now. It's good that they are finally willing to open this
> to discussion, and I commend them for respecting our wishes by not
> distributing Kimp until all the issues are resolved.

Ahh, that's nice to hear in this flaming debate!
Now, apart from the legal aspects, I know that greed, laziness and lack of time
produce lots of bad things.
Still, I never seem to understand the KDE people: If the wanted a GIMP like
application, why didn't they just contact the GIMP camp and suggest a project
relation ship, like: We'll use GIMP code on KDE and fully credit your work; we'll
even reflect important performance issues, we might discover, back to you.
I mean, they seem to have enough work at hand just with KDE...

What's buggin' me is the amount of publicity KDE gets and the widespread ignorance of
GPL'ing OpenSource code in users minds. "KDE works, we'll use it".
I believe that GUI's will be so crutial for the successful spreading of Linux as a
workstation/desktop OS, that these, like the OS itself, ought to be OpenSource.
To me, it looks like the KDE folks got it well figured out: Most users _do_ care
about who does what and how, but when it comes down to useability, they will chose a
product that seems promising and gets lots of credentials, no matter an ongoing
legality debate.
Seems there's some real need for educational stuff on OpenSource/GPL importance.

On Mon.13, Harald Koenig wrote:
>just FYI: you're collecting more and more points why I personally
>don't like GPL anymore and probably won't use it in the future for
>some sort of projects. might be that others think similar and you're
>going to create severe damage for the free software community by this flame war!

Could that be akin to the muddy waters some years ago, when the Unix community kept
itself immobile, split in discussions about which camp should define the goals and
lead th way, in the mean time allowing M$ to grow all over the bush?

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