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SubjectRe: Strange code in 2.0.pre35 - apricot.c
Sprach (Mike "Ford" Ditto):
> > register int hold;
> > do {
> > hold = lp->scb.status;
> > } while (lp->scb.command);
> > The 'hold' variable is needed in both cases to prevent the optimizer
> > from dropping the first clause, because some compilers don't [ ... ]
> No, it's not. The assignment to hold is not any stronger of a reference
> to scb.status than is an unsaved reference, and the above code is not
> reliable, since the compiler is free to completely optimize away both
> the reference to scb.status and the hold variable itself.
> scb.status must be declared volatile if reading it has desirable side
> effects, as is presumably the case in the original "strange" code. The
> volatile keywoard does guarantee that references are not optimized away
> even if the compiler can't see what purpose they have.

Admittedly the behavior of GCC is more important to us than Borland, but
Borland will often optimize 'volatile' accesses away, but it won't
optimize the above access away. Just be aware that broken optimizers
are out there and (from my experience) are far more common than working
optimizers. My experience is that 'volatile' is the least likely keyword
in C to be implemented correctly by any particular compiler.

Jon Paul Nollmann ne' Darren Senn
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