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    > 1. The old getdents stuff. It's ages old and akin to *very* old libc-5.0.xx
    > If somebody needs compatibility which gets thus far, he/she should
    > just simple stick with the older kernel.
    > (4k)

    This might be interesting.

    > 2. The whole console selection related ioctl stuff.
    > It was broken from the beginning on. There is currently a new
    > replacement mechanism: /dev/vcs, which should provide the same
    > funcionality. Removing it will only break the in my oppinion
    > anyway toyish mouse selection on text based consoles. This is
    > something that will not break the system since this
    > functionality isn't essential for operation.
    > (8k)

    Lots of people use this. First make GPM use /dev/vcs* and then think
    of removing this feature. I.e., not for 2.2.

    > 3. Due to 2. we could even remove the wholy broken und useless unicde
    > stuff in the current console code.
    > It's only used in code related to 2. With the new mechanism for
    > console selection this should get handled in user space. And
    > please remember I'm not talking about unicode or whatever here.
    > It's only about the selection stuff in the current kernel.
    > (8k)

    No, lots of people use the unicode stuff as it's the only sane way to using
    non-ISO-8859-1 charsets and still being able to draw VT100/IBM graphics.

    > 4. There is plenty of debugging code in the serial driver, which remains
    > enabled, even after *years* of testing. (16k)

    I think it should be just ifdef'd out.

    > 5. The slab allocator contains may many glorious features not used by
    > anybody in the current kernel.

    They are used when debugging parts of the kernel. Maybe make them optional,
    but certainly don't remove them.

    Have a nice fortnight
    Martin `MJ' Mares <>
    Faculty of Math and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Rep., Earth
    "Do not believe in miracles -- rely on them."

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