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SubjectRe: GGI, EGCS/PGCC, Kernel source
On 27 Feb, Jes Degn Soerensen wrote:
>>>>>> "Nathan" == Nathan Uno <> writes:
> Nathan> I'm not sure I see a way around having sources in the kernel
> Nathan> tree. Either you support a piece of graphics hardware, or you
> Nathan> don't. If linux wants to support graphics hardware, the
> Nathan> drivers have to be in the kernel tree. Is that a bad thing?
> Nathan> If it is, then adding hardware support to the kernel is ALWAYS
> Nathan> a bad thing. I know of very few pieces of hardware that
> Nathan> EVERYONE wants to use. Your logic seems to be that drivers
> Nathan> that not everyone needs are source bloat.
> There is a difference, the number of different graphics boards to
> support is enormous, I don't belive it will be possible to keep it all
> in sync with the kernel, it will require kernel updates to older
> systems in order to use new graphics boards etc. etc. Right now the
> XFree team does most of that work for us.

The basic point remains, though: if Linux is going to support (at the
kernel level) a certain hardware device, the driver's gotta go in the
kernel. So we either support it, or we don't. I haven't seen any
other devices that Linux hasn't supported because we didn't want to put
"another driver" into the kernel...

Besides, the support for each individual board shouldn't be changing
much. There would be a lot of new boards to add, but I guess I see it
the same as Ethernet or sound cards: there's lots of different ones,
some versions of the kernel don't support some of them, some of the
advanced features of the cards aren't supported, etc. I don't see how
it's different just because they're GRAPHICS adapters.

There is NO kernel-level support for graphics in the Linux kernel right
now, besides what's necessary for text mode. I see that as a distinct
limitation and a "bad thing". Yes, it's going to take some work to do
- but people are ALREADY working on it.

> Jes


Nathan 'Nato' Uno

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