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SubjectRe: [OFFTOPIC] GTK and alternative GUIs and windowing systems
> > it works.  And besides, I have little doubt that a bunch of
> > free-software-savvy developers like the trolls would both
> > abandon Qt _and_ leave its license unchanged. I grant that it
> > is possible, but not likely enough to worry about.
> Suppose Microsoft buys them out ?

This is a very important part of GPL'd software.. it's also the *REAL*
reason Microsoft fears Linux. it's their one serious competitor that they
can't buy! so through their spindoctoring and iron grip on the computer
market, they find other ways to make Linux look inferior.. (no, please
don't start a holy war over this message).

GPL'd software is owned by the community, which is its biggest advantage.
and i think we should take advantage of this advantage.. make Gtk the best
widget library ever written. it isn't even in a final form, and already
people are putting it down.

_ _ __ __ _ _ _
| / |/ /_ __/ /_____ | Nuke Skyjumper |
| / / // / '_/ -_) | "Master of the Farce" |
|_ /_/|_/\_,_/_/\_\\__/ _|_ _|

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