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SubjectRe: mmap() is slower than read() on SCSI/IDE on 2.0 and 2.1
On Mon, Dec 14, 1998 at 05:43:21AM -0800, Jay Nordwick wrote:
> - When a binary executable image is mmap()ed to be run, wouldn't you want
> to prefetch blocks of code and data -- what would be the difference
> between this and the user mmap()ing in a file?

Note, Stephen Tweedie's latest "go faster VM stripes" do this, a bit.
I mean the aligned 64k clustering page-in.

> I don't really see the problem: some indecision on an arbitrary limit?
> This is the same thing as prefetching with read(), isn't it? You don't
> know how much to prefetch with read, do you? As a worst case, why not
> have the same semantics as read -- prefetch the next page if you have to
> sleep to read it -- not optimal, but at least will bring mmap() to the
> performance of read().

mmap() tends to be used more for random access, so you have to be a bit
more cautious with the heuristics. Ok, if you can spot when an mmap()
is being used in a regular way.

> I always thought that mmap() should be fast, especially when you use
> it for IPC.

It is fast, just not asynchronous. (Wild, hand-waving theorist
warning): You can get the full speed of readahead with the zero-copy of
mmap() by running several threads through the file at the same time,
each thread accessing different pages in some good order. Here's where
I wave my hands very hard...

-- Jamie

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