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SubjectRe: Automating basic patch tests...
Hi Gregory, James...

>>>> 3. How many different files does the patch modify? Should there
>>>> be a limit on this number, to discourage submission of patches
>>>> that change too much at once?

>>> I believe there will be infrequent occations where a patch
>>> has to modify files "all over the place"

>> For example: spelling corrections

> Or better, struct changes in central .h files.. Or say we added a
> second param to udelay (why? idunno? RT support?)..

Try reading my original post, or my previous reply clarifying the
misunderstanding both of you appear to have made...

1. I stated that if there were more than a few files modified by a
given patch, there was very little point in having any form of
auto-compiler check the patch out, so it should go direct to a
human verifier.

2. In general, spelling corrections will normally refer not to the
actual source files, but to documentation files, and a previous
test has already excluded them from consideration for this test,
so that example is in general a non-starter...

Personally, I'm beginning to wonder whether anybody really cares what
happens to Linux, since the response to my post has all been negative
responses to the same suggestion as you replied to, and all have made
the same misunderstanding of what I said as you appear to have...

Best wishes from Riley.

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