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SubjectRe: [offtopic] BitKeeper & distributions, please read

On Sun, 4 Oct 1998, Larry McVoy wrote:

> We've been discussing licensing terms for bitkeeper and there is some hope
> that following the ghostscript model would be acceptable. I'd like to get it
> resolved to people's satisfaction because there is something else I'd like to
> do with BitKeeper.
> Suppose I could get the RedHat and SUSE (and Caldera too) to do the following:
> - ship their editors with BitSCCS linked in (editors includes stuff like
> linuxconf for purposes of this discussion)
> - make all the system config files revision controlled (behind your back
> so you didn't see any difference)
> - have a mode where all files added to a directory were revision controlled
> (/var/lib/majodomo/lists for example).
> Given the way that BitKeeper works, you could now ship around "patches"
> which describe a particular configuration, like a "web serving,
> masquerading, firewall". The patches could be relative to RedHat-5.1 or
> SUSE-8.3.

Wahoo! NE. Actually I have a _crude_ system to do this already using
rdist & scp to manage all of the remote systems I am responsible for. I
had toyed with using CVS / XDelta but do not have time yet. I would like
to see this happen. (After Oct 20 would be willing to help)

> I personnally would love this feature. The way I work is to hack on the
> configuration over a period of days or even weeks. Eventually I get it to
> work and I have no idea what I've done. And no easy way to figure it out.
> This would solve that problem in a way that would be useful for other
> people. I'd like to be able to go search on "web serving masquerading
> firewall config patch" and just find the patch I needed for my system.

Yes. Would be way cool.

> RedHat won't do it unless BitSCCS is free, so if I released an older
> version that was GPLed, that might solve the problem.
> Thoughts?

Could be extended somewhat along the line of the old Linux Laptop page -
people list their "weird" hardware with an appropriate setup patch. I
would as far as the DK440LX MB is concerned.

PS - Can BitMover also run a compile ? IE: I have a script that runs
configure with the parameters I like on certain software then make/make
installs the software. If there is a BitMover patch that sets up the
software can BitMover then trigger the make/make install ? I suspect so -
I have not yet read through the files (lazy lazy lazy....)

Matthew G. Marsh, President
Paktronix Systems, LLC
1506 North 59th Street
Omaha NE 68104
Phone: (402) 932-7250

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