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SubjectRe: Subject: 2.0.33: talk about weird
Samuli Kaski <> wrote:
> After playing a while with it, I gave up since something was definetly
> wrong as I couldn't compile anything. I rebooted and everything seems
> fine again, I can compile and mount/umount.

> Sorry there were no oops, I just thought I let you guys know. Maybe
> the rm -rf caused inodes to get corrupted causing havoc? If so, I
> still need to come up with a theory for the failing compile because I
> use my box for compiling all the time and I wouldn't be much off by
> saying that I had compiled something 10 minutes before the rm -rf
> incident.

> I'm just speculating here but I must admit I have never seen a Linux
> box behave this way before. Maybe failing hardware, hmm?

> The system is from a clean 2.0.33 tree with the Joliet patch applied,
> rm is from fileutils 3.16, the mount is 2.7g and libc is 5.4.38.

I had something weird happen too while compiling the latest ftape
on 2.0.33. I seemed to get some compilation errors in the zftape
and compressor subdirectories when I didn't have the -DBROKEN_FLOPPY
defined, but only if it was the first compile after untarring, and I
changed MCONFIG before any compiles. If I compiled with the define,
then removed it and compiled again, it was fine.

Needless to say, there was absolutely no way this define could produce
the error. I was going to send off an email, and I tried it once
again, and it worked.

I can only assume the buffer cache got corrupted somehow, and after
more activity the corruption was flushed resulting in correct behaviour
again. It was rather unnerving. I have a vague recollection of this
happening with a much earlier kernel, so put it down to an alpha
particle !

Peter Fox

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