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SubjectRe: Take A deep Breath
> On Jul 15, 11:23pm, "Andrew E. Mileski" wrote:
> Subject: Re: Take A deep Breath
> >I agree, but the response from certain Linux developers is that
> >"the source code is self documenting". Ya right. None of the
> >kernel source code would pass a review at any company I know of,
> >or even be accepted as a college/university assignment.

I'd have to agree with this comment. Of course, every
college paper I've seen has been written "on a sack of
potatos" (if you know what I mean), so I can't really on
that particular aspect.

However, Linux as a whole, is definitely more document
then commercial UNIX OSes out there: SCO and Solaris are
my two primary examples. SCO (R.I.P, IMHO) has virtually
no documentation, and despite now being free, no one trusts
it. Solaris's documentation is horrendous; it's BEYOND horr-
endous. Anyone who's used it effectively knows this.

> >Linus refuses to impose strict style and documenting practices.
> >I understand his views on these, but I don't agree with them.
> But Linus has managed development of a working kernel and you have not.

"Neener-neener." This shouldn't be a war about who's better,
or a "war" at all for that matter.

> Better (or even some) documentation of kernel design decisions would
> be wonderful. They are obviously not essential for the development.
> You could, demonstrate the correctness of your views by generating some
> good documentation and showing the good effects of this documentation
> on the system. I look forward to seeing your results.

I see this type of response constantly, especially from
college-oriented individuals. Condescention is *NOT*
respected, in any society.

I think the fellow was just expressing his opinion, and not
expecting to get splattered with tomatos and commentary
from a (the?) peanut gallery.

If an OS is going to be written, as well as documented, we
all should work together and put aside our opinionated views
(mine included) and produce something of value. Flame wars
regarding who can (or can't) write documentation does nothing
positive. (I'll become a hipocrit and state that everyone
should view the man page for strncmp(3), and enjoy a good
"what the fu**?" experience while re-reading the thing 5
or 6 times)

By all of us working together, we can accomplish a task,
whether it be coding, documenting, bug updates, etc..

But, the most important part of working together, is giving
eachother a good pat on the back for feedback, and giving
people moral support. I've been using Linux since the early
stages of 0.99, and I will stay with it 'til the day I die.

End of line, Dillenger.

| Jeremy Chadwick |
| System/Network/Security Administrator |
| |

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