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SubjectFaster depend written in Perl
I have an old 386/33 and running 'make depend' takes a long time.  I
heard this was because gawk uses floating point instead of integer
arithmetic. To speed things up, I translated the depend.awk script
into Perl using the a2p program. I edited the result to clean up the
code. The resulting script runs much faster (up to an order of
magnitude on my machine without a coprocessor) either because of
integer arithmetic or Perl's faster I/O.

I modifed the Makefile and Rules.make to use this script by adding a
new variable, DEPEND that has the command to do depends. The depend
rules are changed to use this variable, which can be set to either the
awk or perl scripts. I tested the script with one 'make depend' with
my current configuration.

The patch including the script is appended.

- Ian

-- Ian Burrell == **
All theoretical chemistry is really physics; and all theoretical
chemists know it. -- Richard P. Feynman

--- Makefile~ Sat Jul 20 18:24:49 1996
+++ Makefile Thu Jul 25 18:09:35 1996
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@
MAKE =make
AWK =gawk
+DEPEND = $(AWK) -f $(TOPDIR)/scripts/depend.awk
+#DEPEND = perl $(TOPDIR)/scripts/

all: do-it-all

@@ -345,7 +347,7 @@
find . -type f -print | sort | xargs sum > .SUMS

dep-files: archdep .hdepend include/linux/version.h
- $(AWK) -f scripts/depend.awk init/*.c > .tmpdepend
+ $(DEPEND) init/*.c > .tmpdepend
set -e; for i in $(SUBDIRS); do $(MAKE) -C $$i fastdep; done
mv .tmpdepend .depend

@@ -385,5 +387,5 @@

.hdepend: dummy
rm -f $@
- $(AWK) -f scripts/depend.awk `find $(HPATH) -name \*.h ! -name modversions.h -print` > .$@
+ $(DEPEND) `find $(HPATH) -name \*.h ! -name modversions.h -print` > .$@
mv .$@ $@
--- Rules.make~ Fri Jun 7 06:28:45 1996
+++ Rules.make Thu Jul 25 17:54:12 1996
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
fastdep: dummy
if [ -n "$(wildcard *.[chS])" ]; then \
- $(AWK) -f $(TOPDIR)/scripts/depend.awk *.[chS] > .depend; fi
+ $(DEPEND) *.[chS] > .depend; fi
set -e; for i in $(ALL_SUB_DIRS); do $(MAKE) -C $$i fastdep; done
--- /dev/null Mon Dec 31 20:00:00 1979
+++ scripts/ Thu Jul 25 17:50:33 1996
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+# This is a rewrite of the depend.awk script in Perl. This is done to
+# speed up the 'make depend' step on machines without floating point
+# support, where gawk is very slow. The bulk of the translation was
+# done by the a2p program with some editing done to clean up the Perl
+# code.
+# 1996/07/25 Ian Burrell <>
+# This is an awk script which does dependencies. We do NOT want it to
+# recursively follow #include directives.
+# The HPATH environment variable should be set to indicate where to look
+# for include files. The -I in front of the path is optional.
+# Variables set by a2p, not needed in modified version.
+#$[ = 1; # set array base to 1
+#$, = ' '; # set output field separator
+#$\ = "\n"; # set output record separator
+$hasdep = 0;
+$hasconfig = 0;
+$needsconfig = 0;
+$incomment = 0;
+if (!($TOPDIR = $ENV{'TOPDIR'})) {
+ print STDERR "Environment variable TOPDIR is not set\n";
+ exit 1;
+@parray = split(' ', $ENV{'HPATH'}, 9999);
+foreach $path (@parray) {
+ $path =~ s/^-I//;
+ $path =~ s@[/ ]*$@@;
+# eliminate comments
+while (<>) {
+ chop; # strip record separator
+ # remove all comments fully contained on a single line
+ s@/\*.*\*/@@g;
+ if ($incomment) {
+ if ($_ =~ m@\*/@) {
+ $incomment = 0;
+ s@.*\*/@@g;
+ }
+ else {
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # start of multi-line comment
+ if ($_ =~ m@/\*@) {
+ $incomment = 1;
+ s/\/\*.*//;
+ }
+ elsif ($_ =~ m@\*/@) {
+ $incomment = 0;
+ s@.*\*/@@;
+ }
+ }
+ if (/^[ \t]*#[ \t]*if.*[^A-Za-z_]CONFIG_/) {
+ $needsconfig = 1;
+ if (!$hasconfig) {
+ print STDERR "$ARGV needs config but has not included config file\n";
+ # only say it once per file..
+ $hasconfig = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (/^[ \t]*#[ \t]*include[ \t]*[<"][^ \t]*[>"]/) {
+ $found = 0;
+ if ($LASTFILE ne $ARGV) {
+ &endfile($LASTFILE);
+ $hasdep = 0;
+ $hasconfig = 0;
+ $needsconfig = 0;
+ $incomment = 0;
+ $cmd = '';
+ $depname = $ARGV;
+ $relpath = $ARGV;
+ $depname =~ s/\.c$/.o: /;
+ $depname =~ s/\.S$/.o: /;
+ if ($depname eq $ARGV) { #???
+ $cmd = "\n\t\@touch " . $depname;
+ }
+ $depname =~ s/\.h$/.h: /;
+ if ($relpath =~ /^\./) {
+ $relpath =~ s@[^/]*$@@;
+ $relpath = $relpath . '/';
+ $relapth =~ s@//@/@;
+ }
+ else {
+ $relpath = '';
+ }
+ }
+ $fname = $_;
+ $fname =~ s/^#[ \t]*include[ \t]*[<\"]//;
+ $fname =~ s/[>\"].*//;
+ if ($fname eq 'linux/config.h') {
+ $hasconfig = 1;
+ }
+ $rfname = $relpath . $fname;
+ if (-e $rfname) {
+ $found = 1;
+ if (!$hasdep) {
+ print "$depname";
+ }
+ $hasdep = 1;
+ print " \\\n $rfname";
+ if ($fname =~ /^\./) {
+ $fnd = 0;
+ foreach $arg (@ARGV) {
+ if ($arg eq $rfname) { #???
+ $fnd = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($fnd == 0) {
+ push(@ARGV, $rfname);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ foreach $path (@parray) {
+ $fil = $path . '/' . $fname;
+ if ( -e $fil ) {
+ $shortp = $path;
+ $found = 1;
+ if (!$hasdep) {
+ print "$depname";
+ }
+ $hasdep = 1;
+ print " \\\n $fil";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+exit 0;
+sub endfile {
+ local($f) = @_;
+ if ($hasconfig && !$needsconfig) {
+ print STDERR "$f doesn't need config\n";
+ }
+ if ($hasdep) {
+ print "$cmd\n";
+ }

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