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    SubjectRe: ideas
    > but at a cost of speed. There are also more C wizards in linux land than 
    > GAWK wizards. More people working on something, the faster it gets done, or
    > the better it is, at least this is true of linux.

    Go ahead and do it. Actually I suspect gawk will beat you or come very close.
    Its virtually I/O bound and it beats gcc -M doing basically the same task.

    > Interface lock for each version.

    Ah locking in catastrophes. Bad. 1.2.x keeps the same internal interfaces
    2.0.x should but not other things. The idea also doesnt work too well for
    a kernel when things can change that are subtle and internal.

    > 3. Use the features in C++ that will allow a more stable kernel
    > Okay here is where i am going to get the developers mad at me. How about
    > converting parts of linux to use C++, no not classes or the object
    > oriented
    > stuff, just the parts that can make life easier for the developer, and
    > make
    > the kernel run faster and more stable. Use default arguments, to

    C++ code is currently slower and has buggier output than well written C (
    especially as certain people bother to peek at the assembler output). Unless
    the g++ walking volatile bug has finally been fixed its also not
    usable. Finally g++ eats memory - forget building on an 8Mb machine with g++

    > Also we could use C++ streams type functions to implement printk calls. I
    > wonder how many drivers have been broken by stack corruption, by
    > incorrect
    > params in printk calls. Variable argument function calls are inherently
    > slower then fixed argument calls.

    But not than C++ calls or multiple calls or the other mess. I've not found
    a single problem with printk, because gcc supports typechecking of printf's


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