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    SubjectRe: nfsiod issues?
    Amazingly enough Olaf Kirch said:
    > I may change NFS to spawn and kill nfsiods when mounting/unmounting
    > volumes, but that fixes only the symptoms module users are seeing.

    This seems simple enough, since kernel_thread() returns the pid.
    But what happens if someone kills nfsiod? Is there some way of
    finding that out? Hmmm... In playing around, killing the
    nfsiod's DOES execute MOD_DEC_USE_COUNT. So you could keep track
    of someone else killing nfsiod. (Want to be sure, of course,
    that you don't accidently kill off someone else's userprocess
    that may have the same pid as your original nfsiod).

    > >From the ps point of view you're merely exchanging insmod for mount.

    Couple of points here. First, I'm a bit confused. Am I *never*
    supposed to see (nfsiod) in ps if I have nfs as a module? Or
    only that there is some delay in seeing it? I've notice that I
    see the insmod stuff upon boot, but sometime later I see

    Second, what about process memory? Running all four tasks at
    once, they all share the same vm. No big deal. But, if it's
    done once for each call to mount, could you end up tying up the
    memory more than once? The code is no big deal (or does it lock
    the executable?) The data should be eventually be paged out.
    Of course, once you get the 1 nfsiod is all that's need, it's
    less of a problem.

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    We are all of us living in the shadow of Manhattan. -- Watchmen

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