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SubjectRe: ncftp compile errors
Jon Mitchell said:
> This looks very related to the changes in the include files. This
> program compiles smoothly on most machines I've tried it on, but not on
> this one running 1.3.79.
now, if i may let me give you a lecture on compiler errors.

> /usr/i486-linux/include/linux/types.h:62: parse error before `daddr_t'

When you see a line like this, it means the compiler does not recognize
that word as a type name, but thinks it is the name of a variable, and it
misses its type. From this point on all output from the compiler, for the
current filei, is junk and should be disregarded.

The fix is finding where the type is defined, find & grep help a lot in
this cases, and adding the appropriate include file to the source.
This is not always true, as things sometimes get trickier, maybe your type
declaration is #ifdef-ed out, but this method is a general starting point.

> Jon Mitchell \ [Fun-Boy] Sleep is for weaklings!
> \ Linux 2.0: Coming soon to a computer near you.
> CCSO Site Consultant \ These views have _nothing_ to do with CCSO.


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