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SubjectRe: 2940UW Woes...
>      I just bought an Adaptec 2940UW and am having problems with it.

What BIOS version? (I have AHA2940UW ver 1.21)

> During any kind of disk activity (*ANY* kind), I get an error message
> from the kernel stating:
> <something> { DriveReady SeekComplete }

Haven't seen that.

What kernel are you running? 1.3.79, right? If not,
upgrade. Also, read

to keep you out of trouble.

> I've been told by Adaptec tech personnel that the newer cards
> use the AIC7880 chipset rather than the AIC7780. Apparently the interface

How new? I think mine is 7888, come to think of it. I
bought it last November at a show.

> is different enough that the commands sent the controller make the chip
> fumble the ball and the system hangs. Is there any information about
> programming these chips and/or is a driver update in the works? If there
> is available programming information, I'd like to have a crack at updating
> the driver. :)

The aic7xxx driver was last updated at about 1.3.68. (Let's
see, if this is 1.3.79, that was about 4 weeks ago.)

> I may be off-topic on this list, but after digging around a bit, I
> still can't come up with the name of the linux scsi list. Also, do the
> *BSD folks have similar problems with this card?
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Michael J. Micek, peripatetic philosopher. (currently)
Am hirable (consulting, problem-solving, whatever). Finger for details.

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