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    SubjectRE: [PATCH] x86/resctrl: mba_MBps: Fall back to total b/w if local b/w unavailable
    > > What I meant was I think it would be enough to just give the function
    > > you added a name that's more specific to the Mbps controller use case.
    > > For example, get_mba_sc_mbm_state().
    > I actually liked this idea. Add a new function get_mba_sc_mbm_state. That
    > way we exactly know why this function is used. I see you already sent a v2
    > making the event global. Making it global may not be good idea. Can you
    > please update the patch and resend. Also please add the comment about why
    > you are adding that function.

    Can you explain why you don't like the global? If there is a better name for it,
    or a better comment for what it does, or you think the code that sets the value
    could be clearer, then I'm happy to make changes there.

    Which events are supported by a system is a static property. Figuring out once
    at "init" time which event to use for mba_MBps seems a better choice than
    re-checking for each of possibly hundreds of RMIDs every second. Even though
    the check is cheap, it is utterly pointless.

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      Last update: 2023-10-26 18:10    [W:3.384 / U:0.152 seconds]
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