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SubjectRe: KVM exit to userspace on WFI
On Wed, 25 Oct 2023 13:12:14 +0100,
Jan Henrik Weinstock <> wrote:
> Hi Marc,
> Thanks for your feedback. I understand that request_interrupt_window
> is not to be used. I assume a setting a flag is a better way,
> something similar to KVM_ARCH_FLAG_RETURN_NISV_IO_ABORT_TO_USER, e.g.
> I will also check that WFx traps are always enabled while this mode is
> active to make sure userspace does not get blocked/scheduled out.

Why would that be an acceptable behaviour?

> The reason for this is that we cannot have the thread that executes
> KVM_RUN to be blocked or scheduled out whenever it hits a WFI.

Why? If that's not acceptable, how do you even cope with the basic

> Nop-WFIs are not a problem, since the PE will just continue executing
> instructions, which is fine. We are currently using a timeout signal
> that kicks KVM_RUN back into userspace, but we are seeing a lot of
> time wasted because our KVM thread hangs in WFI/WFEs. It would be
> better if we could just return from KVM_RUN immediately if the thread
> would otherwise be blocked.

On the face of it, this makes little sense:

- While in userspace, no interrupt source that normally delivered
without any userpsace intervention will be blocked (timers,
VLPIs...). I cannot how this can be a good idea.

- Trapping WFE is an important scheduling hint, and returning to
userspace defeats it. Contended spinlocks, for example, will be even
slower to acquire.

I'm sure you have a particular use case for such a degraded behaviour,
but since you are not describing it, I'm not at all inclined to
actively break KVM's performance and scalability.



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