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SubjectRe: [PATCH 2/6] x86/entry_64: Add VERW just before userspace transition
On Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 03:45:41PM -0700, Dave Hansen wrote:
> On 10/23/23 15:30, Pawan Gupta wrote:
> >>>>> /*
> >>>>> * iretq reads the "iret" frame and exits the NMI stack in a
> >>>>> * single instruction. We are returning to kernel mode, so this
> >>>> This isn't needed here. This is the NMI return-to-kernel path.
> >>> Yes, the VERW here can be omitted. But probably need to check if an NMI
> >>> occuring between VERW and ring transition will still execute VERW after
> >>> the NMI.
> >> That window does exist, though I'm not sure it's worth worrying about.
> > I am in favor of omitting the VERW here, unless someone objects with a
> > rationale. IMO, precisely timing the NMIs in such a narrow window is
> > impractical.
> I'd bet that given the right PMU event you could make this pretty
> reliable. But normal users can't do that by default. That leaves the
> NMI watchdog which (I bet) you can still time, but which is pretty low
> frequency.
> Are there any other NMI sources that a normal user can cause problems with?

Generating recoverable parity check errors using rowhammer? But, thats
probably going too far for very little gain.

> Let's at least leave a marker in here that folks can grep for:
> /* Skip CLEAR_CPU_BUFFERS since it will rarely help */


> and some nice logic in the changelog that they can dig out if need be.
> But, basically it sounds like the logic is:
> 1. It's rare to get an NMI after VERW but before returning to userspace
> 2. There is no known way to make that NMI less rare or target it
> 3. It would take a large number of these precisely-timed NMIs to mount
> an actual attack. There's presumably not enough bandwidth.

Thanks for this.

> Anything else?

4. The NMI in question occurs after a VERW, i.e. when user state is
restored and most interesting data is already scrubbed. Whats left is
only the data that NMI touches, and that may or may not be

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