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SubjectRe: [PATCH] x86_64: test that userspace stack is in fact NX
On 10/1/23 09:31, Alexey Dobriyan wrote:
> Here is how it works:
> * fault and fill the stack from rsp with int3 down until rlimit allows,
> * fill upwards with int3 too, overwrite libc stuff, argv, envp,
> * try to exec int3 on each page and catch it with either SIGSEGV or
> SIGTRAP handler.
> Note: trying to execute _every_ int3 takes 30-40 seconds even on fast
> machine, so only 1 int3 per page is tried.
> Tested on F37 kernel and on custom kernel which did
> vm_flags |= VM_EXEC;
> to stack VMA.

I guess the subject implies it, but it's probably worth a sentence or
two in the changelog about this being 64-bit only.

IIRC, there _are_ x86_64 CPUs that don't support NX. It's also entirely
possible for a hypervisor to disable NX enumeration for a guest. Those
two are (probably) rare enough that they can be ignored for now. But it
might mean adding a CPUID check at some point.

Basically, could you spend a moment in the changelog to talk about:

1. 32-bit kernels on NX hardware
2. 64-bit kernels on non-NX hardware


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