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SubjectRe: Re: [PATCH 03/15] sched/fair: Add lag based placement
On 10/11/23 9:24 PM, Peter Zijlstra Wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 08:00:22PM +0800, Abel Wu wrote:
>> On 5/31/23 7:58 PM, Peter Zijlstra Wrote:
>>> /*
>>> + * If we want to place a task and preserve lag, we have to
>>> + * consider the effect of the new entity on the weighted
>>> + * average and compensate for this, otherwise lag can quickly
>>> + * evaporate.
>>> + *
>>> + * Lag is defined as:
>>> + *
>>> + * lag_i = S - s_i = w_i * (V - v_i)
>>> + *
>>> + * To avoid the 'w_i' term all over the place, we only track
>>> + * the virtual lag:
>>> + *
>>> + * vl_i = V - v_i <=> v_i = V - vl_i
>>> + *
>>> + * And we take V to be the weighted average of all v:
>>> + *
>>> + * V = (\Sum w_j*v_j) / W
>>> + *
>>> + * Where W is: \Sum w_j
>>> + *
>>> + * Then, the weighted average after adding an entity with lag
>>> + * vl_i is given by:
>>> + *
>>> + * V' = (\Sum w_j*v_j + w_i*v_i) / (W + w_i)
>>> + * = (W*V + w_i*(V - vl_i)) / (W + w_i)
>>> + * = (W*V + w_i*V - w_i*vl_i) / (W + w_i)
>>> + * = (V*(W + w_i) - w_i*l) / (W + w_i)
>>> + * = V - w_i*vl_i / (W + w_i)
>>> + *
>>> + * And the actual lag after adding an entity with vl_i is:
>>> + *
>>> + * vl'_i = V' - v_i
>>> + * = V - w_i*vl_i / (W + w_i) - (V - vl_i)
>>> + * = vl_i - w_i*vl_i / (W + w_i)
>>> + *
>>> + * Which is strictly less than vl_i. So in order to preserve lag
>> Maybe a stupid question, but why vl'_i < vl_i? Since vl_i can be negative.
> So the below doesn't care about the sign, it simply inverts this
> relation to express vl_i in vl'_i:
>>> + * we should inflate the lag before placement such that the
>>> + * effective lag after placement comes out right.
>>> + *
>>> + * As such, invert the above relation for vl'_i to get the vl_i
>>> + * we need to use such that the lag after placement is the lag
>>> + * we computed before dequeue.
>>> + *
>>> + * vl'_i = vl_i - w_i*vl_i / (W + w_i)
>>> + * = ((W + w_i)*vl_i - w_i*vl_i) / (W + w_i)
>>> + *
>>> + * (W + w_i)*vl'_i = (W + w_i)*vl_i - w_i*vl_i
>>> + * = W*vl_i
>>> + *
>>> + * vl_i = (W + w_i)*vl'_i / W
> And then we obtain the scale factor: (W + w_i)/W, which is >1, right?

Yeah, I see. But the scale factor is only for the to-be-placed entity.
Say there is an entity k on the tree:

vl_k = V - v_k

adding the to-be-placed entity i affects this by:

define delta := w_i*vl_i / (W + w_i)

vl'_k = V' - v_k
= V - delta - (V - vl_k)
= vl_k - delta

hence for any entity on the tree, its lag is offsetted by @delta. So
I wonder if we should simply do offsetting rather than scaling.

> As such, that means that vl'_i must be smaller than vl_i in the absolute
> sense, irrespective of sign.

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