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SubjectRe: Dhrystone -- userland version

> > > However, as this is not Linux-specific, how hard can it be to convince
> > > your distro to include
> > > Usually, when I have a full userspace available, I just clone the above,
> > > and debuild it myself.
> >
> > Dunno. I'd not solve it if package was in Debian, but it is not.
> I would suspect the better long-term solution would be to get the
> package into Debian, since that will be easier for people to use. I
> suspect the reason why most distros don't include it is because it
> really is a **terrible** benchmark for most use cases.

Yeah, so... every benchmark is terrible. Is this one worse than most?

I tried benchmarking using:
time factor $[65863223*65863159]
- but that's division test, not a CPU test, and there are two
versions of factor floating around
time cat /dev/urandom | head -c 10000000 | bzip2 -9 - | wc -c
- but that seems to be memory test, not a CPU test.

Dhrystone seems to be making some kind of comeback in RISC-V land. Is
there something better? Something better that is still reasonably small?

Best regards,
People of Russia, stop Putin before his war on Ukraine escalates.
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