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SubjectRe: [PATCH 6.1 000/207] 6.1.4-rc1 review
On 07.01.23 00:53, Tyler Hicks wrote:
> 2. Do you (or anyone else) happen to have a list of the known
> regressions? I see one specific to linux-6.1.y in the regzbot list:

That page only lists regressions that where introduced in stable (e.g.
say in a range like v6.1.1..v6.1.2) which might need to be handled by
the stable team (for example if a regression is caused by incomplete

All that where introduced in mainline (e.g. v6.0..v6.1) are listed on
the mainline page, as those need to be fixed in mainline by the regular
developers (e.g. never by the stable team) before they can be backported
to the stable series[1]:

There are plenty for v6.0..v6.1 currently, which is unusual, but that
can happen this time of the year. I hope the situation improves somewhat
over the next two weeks when more people are back from the holidays.

Ciao, Thorsten

[1] which is true for some of those that are introduced in the stable
series as well. That's one of the reasons why I'm not really happy with
how rezbot exposes those regressions and will improve this sooner or
later, but there are more important things on the todo list for now.

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