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SubjectRe: Latest RC causing web browser crash
[CCing the regression list, as it should be in the loop for regressions:]

Hi, this is your Linux kernel regression tracker.

On 28.01.23 02:14, Chris McGimpsey-Jones wrote:
> Is anyone else with the latest RC having issues with Google Chrome
> browser, causing it to crash after a couple of minutes?

FWIW, this is unlikely to get any traction: nearly nobody reads the LKML
anymore, hence it's unlikely that someone that can help will see it.

> I reverted (temporarily) back to Linux 6.1.0 and it's fine.
> Tested a couple of times, the issue can be reproduced.

Are there any crash dumps that might indicate what might cause the problem?

> I don't know of the relationship between the kernel and web browser
> and it seems odd the kernel would cause this problem, but there's no
> disputing it is the cause as I can reproduce the issue.

Well, things like this don't happen frequently, but they do happen.
Without more data it's just very hard to get to the root of this issue,
as it could be caused by all sorts of things (mm and drm are two most
likely suspects, but it could be something totally different).

Could you try to bisect the issue? There are various pages on the net
that explain how to do that.

Anyway for the rest of this mail:

[TLDR: I'm adding this report to the list of tracked Linux kernel
regressions; the text you find below is based on a few templates
paragraphs you might have encountered already in similar form.
See link in footer if these mails annoy you.]

Thanks for the report. To be sure the issue doesn't fall through the
cracks unnoticed, I'm adding it to regzbot, the Linux kernel regression
tracking bot:

#regzbot ^introduced v6.1..v6.2-rc5
#regzbot title chrome crashes
#regzbot ignore-activity

This isn't a regression? This issue or a fix for it are already
discussed somewhere else? It was fixed already? You want to clarify when
the regression started to happen? Or point out I got the title or
something else totally wrong? Then just reply and tell me -- ideally
while also telling regzbot about it, as explained by the page listed in
the footer of this mail.

Developers: When fixing the issue, remember to add 'Link:' tags pointing
to the report (the parent of this mail). See page linked in footer for

Ciao, Thorsten (wearing his 'the Linux kernel's regression tracker' hat)
Everything you wanna know about Linux kernel regression tracking:
That page also explains what to do if mails like this annoy you.

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  Last update: 2023-03-27 00:01    [W:0.051 / U:0.040 seconds]
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