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SubjectRe: [PATCH v2] docs: add workload-tracing document to admin-guide
On 1/28/23 01:35, Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
> Lo! One small quick question.
> On 28.01.23 00:46, Shuah Khan wrote:
>> Add a new section to the admin-guide with information of interest to
>> application developers and system integrators doing analysis of the
>> Linux kernel for safety critical applications.
> That intro made my mind go "neither 'application developers' or 'system
> integrators' are admins, so why is this added to the 'admin guide' then?"

I see what you are saying.

> That made me look up the into for the admin guide, which is
> ```
> The Linux kernel user’s and administrator’s guide
> The following is a collection of user-oriented documents that have been
> added to the kernel over time. There is, as yet, little overall order or
> organization here — this material was not written to be a single,
> coherent document! With luck things will improve quickly over time.
> ```
> Adding another section that doesn't seem to a be a good fit feels a bit
> like "making things worse than better". So wouldn't this maybe be a
> good opportunity to create a totally new top-level section for
> application developers and system integrators, even if it's tiny for
> now? The audience is likely big enough to justify that -- and the topics
> are likely different enough, too (of course sometimes there will be
> overlap, as always). Any maybe it will help to bring other stuff over
> from admin guide that is more targeted for application developers and
> system integrators, which will help to get more structure into the
> admin-guide.

I like the idea of creating a new top-level section for application developers
and system integrators. I foresee this section growing and also we can look
at other documents that are a good fit under this category and move them over.

Jon, Thoughts on this.

-- Shuah

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